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Once we land in Portland, Maine the team heads to the center Logan's contact had told us Clementine had been taken to, as quickly as possible. When we get there we head up to the main level of the building where the survivors are being kept. "We have 20 minutes to find Clem. So you guys check this area. Jamie, Kat, let's go this way." Jackson begins to coordinate our search.

"Okay," Abe nods before he and Dariela head off to look for Clementine.

As Jackson, Jamie, and I begin looking and asking around for Clementine. I begin to feel weak and fall behind Jamie and Jackson. I finally have to stop out of fear I'm going to pass out, but shortly after I do, I get a sharp pain in my lower abdomen and cry out in pain as I fall to the floor. One of the volunteers rushes over to me, helping me sit against a nearby wall, "Ma'am are you alright?"

Before I can reply I hear Jackson, "Let me through, let me through, she's my wife." Jackson kneels next to me and takes my hand, "hey, baby. It's okay." Jackson smiles at me, but I can tell by the look in his eyes he doesn't believe his own words. I shake my head and look down, only now noticing blood on the inner part of my jeans, I look up to Jackson terrified. Jackson turns to the group, "We need a Doctor over here. Now!" He shouts over the crowd, jumping up.

I reach up and grab his hand when he kneels back down to me, I take a deep breath, "Go find Clementine. I'll be alright."

"Kat, no, I'm not leaving you."

I shake my head, "Go find Clementine, Jackson." I give Jackson a rather stern look and he nods, heading off with Jamie the second the doctor gets there.

The doctor and the volunteer who helped me to the wall help me up. Having noticed the blood when they got there the doctor wraps a blanket around me as we make our way to a medical cot. The doctor helps me as much as they can before running some tests. The volunteer was even nice enough to find me a change of clothes, for after we get the bleeding stopped. After running the tests the doctor walks up to me, "Ma'am, were you expecting?"

I nod and close my eyes, trying to fight back tears. Robert's words, 'it's very likely that you will miscarry,' echo in my head. Did we not get the cure disrupted fast enough? Or was it the stress of everything finally taking its toll? As the doctor takes a breath to continue Jackson rushes up to me, hugging me tightly when he gets to me, "Katherine, we found Clementine, everything is gonna be alright." I glance around him and see Jamie sitting at a table with Clementine, I remember her from when I helped Abe and Mitch save her and Audra from a flock of killer birds. I wonder if she remembers me.

The doctor looks over to Jackson, "Are you the husband?"

Jackson looks over to the doctor and nods, "Yes, what's going on?"

"Sir, I'm very sorry to have to tell you this but your wife has suffered a miscarriage..." the doctor takes a deep breath and looks down to me, "Now, your body has taken care of everything, so there is nothing else that needs to be done. Wait a few months and you two can try again." After that, the doctor walks away from the two of us.

Jackson looks down at the cot and shakes his head, he can't even look at me, "this was my fault. I couldn't produce the cure fast enough so we didn't get too out fast enough."

I shake my head, "No, Jackson if it was anyone's fault it was your fathers, for creating this mutation in the first place."

Jackson takes a deep breath and nods, "We need to get out of here and save the animals in quarantine."

I nod and begin to get up as Jackson grabs the curtain in the area the doctor had placed me in and pulls it closed. The volunteer had been able to grab me some jeans and a hoodie and at this point, I wasn't complaining.

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