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Mitch looks at me stunned for a moment, "okay, we will need to deal with that, later. Right we need to deal with them." I nod as I rock the sloth, once I put him back in his cage and close the door he seems happy. Mitch pulls the man I had kicked over the railing and the power comes back on.

Trotter comes on over the intercom, "got the power back up. Comms, too." Jackson walks back up the stairs and over the catwalk, holding a phone to his ear. I'd go with him, but I really wanna see what's going on with me right now.

Mitch walks back into the lab and sighs, "alright, we need to test your DNA and see what's going on because that sloth should not be acting like that."

I shake my head as Jackson slams the phone down, Mitch and I look up at him. Jackson looks down at us, "Mitch, find out what's wrong with Katherine. Don't worry about me."

I shake my head and rush up the stairs, "not until you tell me what that phone call was about."

Jackson sighs, "I told Allison we have Davies and if they wanted him back they needed to find a team to look for my mother."

Mitch shouts as he runs up the stairs behind me, "so, it never occurred to you that blackmailing our only ally in Washington might not be in the best interest of the team?"

"I made a decision. Deal with it."

I shake my head, "what are you gonna do if they say no? You gonna throw Davies off the plane?"

"Are you actually crazy enough now to do that? You gonna kill him?" Mitch adds.

"How is this any different from the time that you offered to turn the Mother Cell over to Reiden to save Clementine?"

Mitch scoffs, "well, I can think of one big difference."

"Oh, yeah? What's that?"

"I didn't go through with it!"

"That's not even true!"

"Thinking about betraying the team and doing it, not the same thing."

"Hey! Turning on each other is not the way to go here. Jackson made a decision there's nothing we can do about it now."

Jamie shouts from down in the lab, "what's going on up there?"

I turn to her, "where's Davies?"

"He's with Abe. What's the plan?" We look around to each other, "great, while you guys figure that out, I'm gonna go help Abe." Jamie and Jackson turn to leave as Mitch and I look over the railing.

When we do we notice that the cooler has been knocked over and it's open, "Jackson," Mitch calls out.

"I'm done talking!"

"Me, too. We got a bigger problem."

Jackson looks down over the railing as we rush down and soon follows up. When we get to the lab I look around, "the lizard could be anywhere."

Mitch nods, "which is not good because planes and ice don't really mix well."

I look around and see an orange tail under a cabinet. "Oh hey," I motion Mitch and Jackson over and we lift the cabinet. "Is he alive?"

Mitch looks him over, "barely."

I shake my head and brush some things off of one of the tables, "if this thing dies, the cure dies with it."

Mitch takes off his overshirt and wraps the lizard in it before he picks it up, and puts it on the table. "Gonna have to open him up. See if there's any internal bleeding," Mitch starts to hook him up to a machine.

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