Perfect (Diana Barry)

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So you know the 'how you met' preference and how Minnie May (?) saw the two women holding hands? I decided to write an image about that lmao also you are obviously adopted
Your POV (ish)
"Minnie May got in awful trouble yesterday" Diana Barry said to the group of girls surrounding her. You had been reading up until that point. "She saw two women holding hands" Diana continued. Most of the girls said things along the lines of "ew" or "gross" Anne didn't say anything thankfully and she gave you a quick glance. "Well I don't think there's anything wrong with loving someone. Think about how they feel. If they love each other then who cares? It doesn't effect your life does it?" You asked. "Now look the freak is talking" Josie said. "I for one agree with y/n if it doesn't affect you then why do you care?" Anne said.  Cole had been listening to the entire conversation and thought to chime in on the matter. "Well what's so wrong with love? We all deserve a place so why hate on them?" Cole sent you a quick glance. At this point Mr. Philips was back (what even is this time line) and that ended the conversation.
You were gathering your things and Diana came over to you. "Can we walk together?" She asked politely. "Sure I guess" you said. As you walked it was completely silent. "I didn't mean to offend you with that story" she said quietly. "It's okay. It's just... those were my moms." You said quickly. "Oh. I'm sorry. It's just... I think I'm like your moms." She confessed. "Diana.... I am to" you said. "That's a relief I like you" Diana said. "Wait did I say that out loud?" She asked. "Yea but's it's a good thing you did because I like you to." You then proceeded to hug her. That was the moment Diana Barry realized she loved you.

What even was this? I don't really know if you like it great. If you didn't then um... I'm sorry I wasted your time???

Anne with an e (AWAE) images and/or preferences (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now