How you can tell they like you

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Anne: she blushes every time she sees you, and smiles a lot when around you. Overall 6/10 on the you can tell scale

Diana: since she first met you she put effort into being a better person. She distances herself from you for fear of falling in love. 5/10 on the you can tell scale because whenever you're around she's not around.

Ruby: she just blushes and stutters. 10/10 you can tell she likes you

Jane: she's low key about liking you. 0/10 because you never notice anything different about her.

Prissy: you already knew from the second you two were introduced. 10/10

Josie: you can't tell.

Billy: he bully's you so you hate him. 10/10 hate him forever

Moody: he's a blushing mess. You think it's adorable.

Charlie: idrk man.

Gilbert: he bothers you. You love him tho. You're already dating lmao

Jerry: he complimented you in French
It isn't a secret lmao

Cole: he draws you in class. You're to oblivious to notice (I'm sorry if you're really a tentative)

First preference lol

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