Really happening (Anne Shirley-Cuthbert) part 5 end

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Real life!
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert got both Gilbert and the managements letters at the same time. Stricken with grief she refused to eat or go to school or let anyone see her. Her closest acquaintance was gone. Forever.
"I'll be with you forever, I promise" you said. "Forever is a long time" Anne said as she giggled. You placed your hands on hers "I mean it Anne" you had said. That was the last night she had seen you. It had been 8 years since then (she's 14 as of the present)
Anne shook her head violently trying to get the images out of her head. She was heartbroken to say the least.
*next day*
Anne was being forced to go to school by Matthew who didn't want to stress her out but knew it had to be done. As she walked to school she noticed that someone was walking with her. "G-Gilbert you weren't supposed to be back yet" she said shakily. "I know I came back for the gold but soon found out that there wasn't any. Plus I want to be a doctor." He said matter-of-factly. She was to sad to argue with him or do anything really. As she neared the school house she saw Cole talking with someone whom she didn't recognize. When she neared the school house the unknown figure turned to face her. It was her she wasn't dead! Anne charged full speed at her girlfriend engulfing her in a hug with a very confused Gilbert and a more than happy Cole. Anne didn't think when she kissed Y/n she was to happy to care. Cole smiles wider and Gilbert was still confused as hell.
Confession time. I was originally going to kill you off and have a sweet Shirbert moment but at the last second I said fuck it and you lived. So if you don't like the ending and want the shirbert moment then i don't care. I actually liked how I ended this one.

Anne with an e (AWAE) images and/or preferences (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now