Emberly Faysala

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Emberly is the seventh daughter of a seventh son, the daughter of a failed musician and a washerwoman. The circumstances of her birth gave her natural attunement to the magic in the universe, giving her power beyond what she sometimes can control.

Her father, Faysal, came to the big city in the hopes of becoming a famous bard, performing folk songs and stories that had been passed down from word of mouth by his grandparents. Unfortunately, times fell hard on Faysal and he ended up having to move to the slums of the city as that was the only place where he could afford to live. While there, he captured the heart of a local woman who earned a living doing any odd job that she could find. Faysal and Eliza were married and, shortly after, Eliza gave birth to their first son, who they named after their father.

Six children later, the pair thought that they wouldn't have another and were surprised one Autumn when Eliza fell pregnant with another...

Emberly was born in the summer months with a shock of ginger hair and shining emerald eyes that had now become known as the 'Faysala' eyes, as all the children had them. Technically she was a 'half-breed', a half-Gnome, so she got the adaptability of the human race with the creative mind of the gnomes. As a young girl, she showed her mischievous side when playing with her brothers and showed a strong connection with the family.

Emberly became aware of the bitterness of people as she watched how people reacted to her and especially her father. People making derogatory comments about her father's height gave her a complex, now taking any comment on her height as a personal offence, flaring up her volatile temper. 

Eliza would be the first to admit that raising seven children wasn't easy, but even she wasn't prepared to deal with the possibility of more magic in their household. Being busy, it was easy to miss plates levitating back into the cupboards or clothes cleaning themselves until it was too late to control. 

One day, Emberly's older brother got into a fight with a local family to the point where the brother would have been beaten for death if other people hadn't gotten in between the boy on the floor and the kid kicking him square in the ribs. That night, a fire started in a far-off corner of the slums. It started small, but since the buildings were cheap and close together, the fire built and spread quickly.  Although nothing could be proven and there was no evidence to support the accusations, many people looked towards the Faysala household and the hate in the youngest daughter's eyes. Emberly gained the nickname of 'The Dragon' by residents of the neighbourhood, due to her territorial nature and the ability to breathe fire. Quite an achievement for a little girl that hadn't reached her 7th birthday.

Knowing that, for the sake of their family and the safety of their neighbours, Emberly needed training, Eliza in the dead of night took Emberly to the magical quadrant of the city. From there, she presented her restless child to the headmaster of the wizard's college, hoping he would tutor their daughter so she could learn how to control the pent-up magic inside her. The headmaster took pity on people who obviously would never be able to afford tuition and became Emberly's own private tutor, giving her access to on-site accommodation and the best wizarding minds to teach her all they could.

After 11 years of training, Emberly's initial tutorage was considered finished and the council of elders were satisfied with her progress to allow her to leave as a graduating student. However, there was one final thing that they asked of her...

Wizards that graduate from this college needs to perform a 'great feat' to become recognised as successful alumni. Now, this feat is left vague to allow the creativity of the wizard to come through and the legitimacy of this feat is judged by the council. This is Emberly's prime motivation throughout the entire campaign, to be able to return to her hometown having completed what she would consider a 'great feat' and prove her value to the council, becoming a 'true' wizard worthy of their time and efforts.

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