Lokan Naudrinam

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Born Malcer Magnusson-Stormwinter, he was born to a poor family in the foothills. His father was a blacksmith, a down to earth man that believed in helping his community where you can. His mother was a moon elf, a woman with black hair and porcelain skin, definitely standing out among the red-haired hill folk. She was a traveller, moving through the town only planning to pick up supplies but on meeting the kind-hearted blacksmith that treated her like a queen, she came back, wanting to spend time with the strange human that intrigued her. Three years later, the pair were married and expecting their first born.

Malcer was the fourth child, relieved of the expectations a first-born is given but allowed to slip under the radar, away from the coddling of the village. He liked to slip into the background, the unnoticed brother that only drew attention to himself when he wanted it. He excelled at storytelling. Children gathered around him in the village square to hear the retellings of stories their parents told them every night. Yes, they already knew the story inside out but the way that Malcer told it grabbed their attention well into the night. He had a way with words that even the adults couldn't help but listen. His storytelling was heavily influenced by his mother, who taught him the ways of the elves, helping him incorporate fey magic into even the simple things he did in life. Unfortunately, the village became unnerved by the boy who seemed to have the ability to charm anyone into doing his bidding, to the point where a council meeting was called to discuss his fate.

The next morning, bags were packed and Malcer was sent away down South, told that there was a school where he would get the education he deserved. He was escorted to the border of the forest, but beyond that point, he was on his own. After months of fending for himself, he finally stumbled into a small village on the border, using his charm to beg favour with locals for a bed for the night and food for the evening. Eventually, after bouncing from village to town, living off the charity of others, Malcer finally found the school that his mother had told him about. Originally, the masters of the college didn't want to give him the time of day but, after catching a glimpse of his natural ability, he was awarded a scholarship. They thought that maybe the school could have a naturally gifted spellcaster with no family ties to bend to their will. They underestimated his will.

With years of study, the professors were able to merge Malcer's gifts, his magic along with his natural charm, to create a talented bard with an insatiable curiosity. He became famous in the local area of his fireside stories as he brought throngs of people to the college courtyard, just to listen for hours. This skill was very quickly brought to the attention of the ruling lord, who offers Malcer a job in his court to entertain him and any guests that might need to be. Malcer flourishes, moulding into noble life to the point where he can now pass off as one easily. He makes contacts in courts from other regions, building up his backlog of stories to include local legends and folklore that would please any guest.

One day, word gets to the lord that a crime has been committed and the prime suspect is his favourite bard. Guards are summoned, the town is put under lockdown and wanted posters are issued with a bounty. They all miss their target. Malcer had left the town limits the night before, knowing that people would be looking for him in the morning. Out through a tunnel in the kitchen, access is given by a friend, Malcer runs off into the night and never seen again. 

A few weeks later, a village to the south is having a festival and a man is there to perform for the population, with stories from far off lands and performances that enthral anyone that witnesses. A man by the name of Lokan Naudrinam the 3rd.


Lokan Naudrinam. The boy that everyone wants. In the words of my best friend, 'ladies want him in bed, men want him dead but he'll always be prettier than you' and 'he makes people fluid'. With pale as snow skin, raven wing hair and his mother's pale blue eyes, he looks like the gender swap of Snow White. Although I don't have art made, we found this picture online that I personally think captures his looks.

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