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Sara's Pov

   Yay, I'm so excited! Today, at lunch I am inviting all of my friends, including super, hot, jock Percy freaking Jackson, to sleepover at my house tonight. I'm going to make a move on Jackson there and get him to be my boyfriend. The plan is perfect! It even includes cuddling and sleeping together, which is making me almost faint at the thought of it.

   Lunch finally rolled around and I cleared my throat. The table quieted down and I smiled warmly at all of them. "My parents are going to be out of town today and tomorrow and I am officially inviting all of you to sleepover at my house!" I squealed, "Can you guys make it? Pretty please?" I pouted and my friends laughed at the familiarity of it, since I use it all the time.

"Sorry Sara, I already made plans with my girlfriend, Annabeth." Percy smiled apologetically.

The fuck?***

"Perce, you have a girlfriend? What, did you pick her up last night and have jusy decided to tell us?" Derek nudged Percy playfully. Percy shoved him while laughing.

"No, we've been dating for two years." he said nochalantly.

Derek almost spit out the milk he just to a drink of, but managed to swallow it painfully while his girlfriend, Lily, cooed, "Aww, that's so cute! How'd you meet?"

"At our summer camp when we were twelve." he smirked dazedly.

I cleared my voice "No worries, Percy, she can come, too." I just have to adjust my plan, I add in my head.

Later that night at Sara's house

Everyone except Percy and his mysterious long time girlfriend, Annabeth, have arrived. Right now Derek and Lily are cuddling and making out, Quinn and Caspar are practically tearing each other's clothes off, Whitney is arranging sleeping bags, making sure the couples are near each other and she is near her crush, Sam, who obviously likes her, too. I made sure she put me by Percy, also, because my plan just won't work without that. Brittany is making popcorn and other snacks and Kevin is checking out the house.

And me?, well I'm waiting on the couch armrest for the missing two to show up. Speak of the devil, I think as the doorbell rings. I jump up and yank open the door and I see two beautiful people standing in the door way.

One is Percy and the other one must be Annabeth. She has perfect, curly, blond hair, a California tan, sporty body, and stormy gray eyes that seem to be studying me. I welcome them and I get everyone together. We spend the night playing games like truth or dare, bed, wed, kill, etc. and watching movies. We also just had to watch Finding Nemo according to Percy. Before any of us knew it we were yawning and practically keeling over from sleep exhaustion.

I curled up in my blankets right next to Percy who started cuddling with Annabeth. I rolled over and casually sccoted next to Percy slowly all night. Eventually I fell asleep into, embarrassingly, a dream about unicorns throwing up cotton candy onto me while we layed on a cloud.

I woke up to a punch in the side and quiet mutterings. I sat up and waited for my eyes to adjust and when they did I nearly died of shock.

Super tough Jackson was spazzing out in his sleep and Annabeth was looking down nervously at him while kissing him and smoothing his hair. She was trying to wake him up, but not really forcefully. He was muttering incomprehensible things and suddenly he stopped. I sighed happily when suddenly he screamed and gutteral, gut wrenching scream. Everyone else hurriedly woke up and looked at him and shock. Suddenly his eyes wrenched open and he broke down in tears while shoving himself back into a corner.

Half of us stared while the other half looked off, embaressed for him. I know, even without looking at the rest of us, that we are all gaping and are seriously confused. We just want to know what's going on with him.

I was staring at the two, completely shell shocked. Percy sat hunched over, his hands pulling at his hair with tears dripping off his face while Annabeth sat on his lap while wiping the tears off his face, rubbing his back and kissing him. After awhile he croaked out, "Sorry -hic- guys, just please -hic- got to sleep."

We all layed down so he could compose himself and we all tried to go back to sleep.

I woke up and looked around, everyone is asleep and Annabeth and Percy are gone with a note left in their spot.

Sorry about last night, after you guys fell asleep me and Annabeth just went home. Don't take it personally, it was a great party, but I just couldn't stay. Thanks for inviting us, Annabeth appreciates the invitation, too. I don't think I'm going to sleepover again, though.



It took me forever to get through the spelling mistakes that the letter was riddled with, but when I finished it I looked down sadly. No Percy pie for me.

On Monday, when we all saw him again he apologized while blushing and we waved it off, not wanting to really think about that night. The rest of the school year Percy still joked and smiled and goofed off like normal, but it was like that one night he showed a different side to himself. His sad side, his painful side, and none of us could forget that.

I stopped trying to go after Percy after that night because when I saw Annabeth comforting him, I saw a connection between them, and I could never ever keep that calm if something like that ever happened. She did, Annabeth can keep calm and also reel in crazy Jackson like no one else could.

And he needed someone to protect himself from himself, whether he admits it or not, he's a danger magnet.

Blech, that was a sucky chapter I just daydreamed it and decided why not write it down, so I did. Perico is next and remember,  pm me, if you want to know details see the first not so real chapter chapter.

***= I'm sorry if you don't like swearing but if I put an *  in the middle of a word it always takes me forever to find out what it says when I read it, so I won't do that.

Thanks for reading,


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