Broken: Jason

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Jason runs his hands through his hair. He tilts his head slightly to look at the dent in his hair because of the flying arrow the skimmed right past his head. He turns his head back to stare straight into his eyes with the help of the mirror. The gentle rocking of the Argo II comforts him like a cradle to a baby. His eyes look dull and ugly in his perspective, they're too blue, almost as far away from green as you can get. His blond hair is bright and limp, uncommen and strange. Any shade but this would be more respectable, more strong looking. Like brown, or more favorably, black. His skin has barely a tan no matter how long he has spent outside. His nose is straight and makes him look preppy, not scruffy and dangerous.

He runs his palms over his stomach, digging into no muscle and so much fat. He grips at his skin, why can't he have more muscle? Why can't he have a perfect body he doesn't even eat that much and not any junk food, unlike some people who can just eat whatever. He grips at his hair, why is he so unperfect?

The mirror mocks him, pointing out all his flaws. "Stop it." He whispers painfully. The mirror presses forward and Jason brings back a hand and shatters the glass. The leftover shard still insults him and he roars, "STOP IT!"

He rams his head into the wall and spides his body down. His hands grip at his skin as he scratches at it, attempting to rip it off. He hits his head on the wall again, and again, and again, and again. "Jason, are you alright in there?"

"Stop it!" Jason roars again, not processing what Piper said. Piper barges into the room and looks with confusion down at her boyfriend. She realizes something is going on and crouches down beside him. She grabs Jason's chin and tilts it towards her so they're are looking right into each other's eyes.

"You are perfect, Jason, and I love you. Why do you do this to yourself?" Jason is confused by this. What is she talking about, he thinks. Then he notices his legs and arms are bleeding and scratched, his fingers dug into the skin. He feels something warm and sticky dripping down the left side of his face. Blood, he realizes, I have done all of this.

"Oh, Piper," he sobs and collapses into Piper's arm. "Piper."

Piper rubs his back, drawing circles on his back. Jason deserves so much better, he deserves a better self esteem, too. He shouldn't doubt himself, if anything he should be arrogant.

She shakes her head. This day will change everything forever, the day the great Jason Grace broke.

I'm sorry this is so short, but I like it. I put some hints of him being jealous of how perfect everyone thinks Percy is, but unlike how in most fanfictions he bullys Percy or thinks he is way better than him, he begins to doubt himself. He wants to change to be like Percy so everyone will like him better.

So yeah, I really like this and I might put up a Broken: Nico next if I can make it work and come together right.

Thanks for reading,

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