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handsoap: so where do you two work??

jeongham: ive been wondering the same thing

womwow: we work at a coffee shop by [a college in Seoul]

OlD.mAn: hey i go there

[jeongham has logged on]

jeongham: me too

josh: same

OlD.mAn: really?

jeongham: wait really?

josh: really????

mingEW: how do you not know you go to the same college

jeongham: its a big college ok

Die8: yo guess what

noF.U.N: you learned to shut up

Die8: i didnt actually mean guess but no

Bookwan: why do people even say that if they know people wont guess

DINOsaur: because its better than saying hey let me tell you guys something very exciting

handsoap: thats true always look at facts

seokMIN: who even says that?

womwow: no one

Die8: ok back to me

noF.U.N: that sounds like something seungkwan would say

Bookwan: that sounds like something i would say

Bookwan: how would you know what i seem like

noF.U.N: im good at judging character

mingEW: u know its bad to judge

womwow: *you

noF.U.N: you know i dont care

mingEW: i didnt deserve that but ok

[zjunhui has logged on]

Die8: all hail the mighty prince

zjunhui: why thank you

zjunhui: at least someone respects me

womwow: no one cares about your royalty thing

zjunhui: i do

zjunhui: but anyway i came here to bless yall

zjunhui: but anyway i came here to bless yall

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Bookwan: wow somehow i do feel blessed

mingEW: you know same

handsoap: ^

josh: how can someone like you look this good

zjunhui: thats kind of mean dont you think

josh: nah

jeongham: wow i feel attacked

OlD.mAn: me too?

DINOsaur: its to early to be attacked

seokMIN: wow you look pretty

Die8: i died

Die8: i died

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noF.U.N: why send a photo

womwow: cool i guess

zjunhui: yiu two are mean

noF.U.N: thats cool

womwow: nice

zjunhui: rude im leaving

DINOsaur: me too bye bye

[Everyone has logged out]

[WowWowWubbzy has logged on]

WowWowWubbzy: yo guys guess what

WowWowWubbzy: oh you left :(

WowWowWubbzy: well i was going to say that K.A.R.D is awesome anf you should stan them

WowWowWubbzy: sigh mo one cares well bye guys bye Jihoon

[WowWowWubbzy has logged out]

Thank you for reading. Updates might be slow now considering im going to highschool in a week and stuff. But i will still update. Have a good day or night. :)

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