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"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Yells Soonyoung as he bursts into Jeonghan's apartment.

"It is literally just us," Jeonghan says.

"And?" Soonyoung asks plopping down on the couch next to Seokmin who happily greets him.

"Happy birthday Hyung!" Chan says as he enters, handing Jeonghan a gift.

"Aww thanks, Chan, you didn't have to." Jeonghan thanks him taking the present.

"Well, it is your birthday!" Chan happily says.

But Chan pales at Jeonghan's next words...

"Dino nugu aegi?"


*dogs barking in the distance*

"Was that some cult thing?" Asks Seungkwan as him and Vernon enter. "Also don't run off like that Chan."

"Sorry." Chan apologizes.

"Who's ready to party all night!" Jun yells as he enters with the cake.

"You actually got a cake?" Jeonghan asks.

"Yehet." Jun nods.

"Oh my god, Sehun is so cute." Seungkwan fangirls.

"I know right." Jun fangirls with him.

"I already had a cake though," Jeonghan says.

"Eh more cake for us then." Jun shrugs taking the cake to the kitchen.

"Guess who's here hoes," Minghao says.

"ITS KERMIT.MEMES.COM!!" Yells Soonyoung.

"SHUT UP HAMSTERATATA!!" Minghao yells.

"Can you guys at least try to be courteous to the neighbors?" Asks Wonwoo as him and Mingyu enter.

"You know they won't do that," Jisoo says as he enters after them.

"Sadly," Jihoon says as he enters.

"JIHOON!!" Soonyoung yells.

"No," Jihoon says.

Soonyoung pouts but doesn't say anything.


Four hours later

"What the fuck there wasn't even alcohol yet half of them are passed out!?!?!?" Jisoo questions as he looks at the ones passed out on the ground.

Seokmin, Mingyu, the whole maknae line, is laying on the ground passed out for some reason.

"Hah lightweights." Junhui laughs as he chugs apple juice.

"Is that beer?" Asks Wonwoo.

"I'm not those kids who actually drinker beer. I am most definitely not NCT either. This is real apple juice." Jun says taking another sip before passing out on the ground.

"Well, he's dead," Jihoon says.

Suddenly Junhui lifts his head and sips the apple juice that spilled on the floor.

"5-second rule." He mutters before completely passing out.

Wonwoo, Jisoo, and Jihoon stare at his passed out body in disgust, surprise, and a whole lot of emotions not positive.

"Are you ok hyung?" Asks Soonyoung to Jeonghan.

"What oh yeah, I'm fine, why?" Jeonghan asks snapping out of his thoughts.

"You don't seem alright. What's bothering you?" Asks Soonyoung.

Jeonghan sighs knowing Soonyoung won't drop it.

"It's just, I was hoping Seungcheol would stop by after his date. I know we didn't celebrate his birthday much and I was hoping we could give him a surprise party." Jeonghan sighs.

"Well, maybe his date is going longer than he thought?" Soonyoung questions.

"It's literally 4 in the morning. I kind of doubt it." Jeonghan says.

"I guess but you never know." Soonyoung points out.

"You just don't quit do you?" Jeonghan chuckles.

"Nope!" Soonyoung says too energetically for being awake at 4 am.

At that moment, just like Junhui, he passes out.

"Party over everyone." Jeonghan sighs. "Are you guys going home or?"

"Were staying I guess." Jisoo shrugs.

Jeonghan nods before going into his little closet in the living room and pulling out some blankets and pillows for them.

"Here you guys can use these. Do you wasn't to sleep in my room or the living room?" He asks.

Wonwoo was already walking to Jeonghan's room not wanting to sleep with all the loud snores the others created.

"Uh, I guess we'll just sleep here," Jisoo says.

"You sure?" Jeonghan asks.

The two just nod.

"Ok well good night," Jeonghan says before walking into his room.

Jisoo turns off the lights and goes over to where Seokmin was laying on the floor and shares the blanket with him. He also puts the pillow under both their heads and drifts (away) to sleep.

Jihoon sighs before going to lay next to Soonyoung. Once he lays down next to Soonyoung, the latter quickly wraps him into a hug. Jihoon regrets his decision but doesn't pull away. Instead he falls asleep.


I think I failed my math test and I have a quiz tomorrow in business and a history test on Monday.

Also a reminder finals will be next week and I won't be updating from maybe the 7th to 11th. I might update on Monday because that's a special day to me I guess.

Anyway thank you so much for reading!! I hope you have a wonderful and or night!!

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