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"WHOS GOT THAT POWER POWER!" Yells Mingyu as he enters the house.

"Is that even the right lyrics?" Asks Vernon who was about to open the door.

"Probably not." Shrugs Mingyu.

"Cool." Vernon nods letting the others in.

"Where's Minghao?" Asks Chan as he enters giving Vernon a hug.

"Him and Soonyoung went to go get food and shit for the party." Vernon explains.

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up." Mingyu pauses.

"What?" Asks Seungkwan as he hugs Vernon.

"wha? huh? when? what? wh- did you guys get together?" Mingyu asks.

"Oh right that's what we forgot to tell!" Chan facepalms.

"Tell what?" Asks Soonyoung as him and Minghao walk in holding bags of chips, soda, juice, CAPRISUNS, cups, plates, some actual food, APPLE JUICE, and of course some water.

"That were dating." Says Seungkwan.

Everyone looks at the three in complete shock

*quick pause*

So like to explain the next part Vernon was fine after the hospital but the house did get slightly burned. Which is why they are having the party out doors *cough*You Make My day setting*cough* The kitchen is slightly damaged and the house is freezing because they keep the windows open to let out the leftover smell of smoke. Everything else is ok

If you still have questions about this please ask, I will be happy to answer your questions.

"SINCE WHEN!?!?!!?!???!!" Asks Jeonghan.

"Since like the time I woke up in the hospital." Says Vernon.

"CALLED IT!" Yells Soonyoung.

"Fuck you." Mutters Minghao as he slides Soonyoung a 20 dollar bill. "Now I just lost 20 dollars on my birthday."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINGHAO!!!!!!!" They all scream at the same time.

"Gosh wait till the party actually starts." Says Minghao covering his face in embarrassment.

"Then lets go set up!" Cheers Seokmin as him and the other two from his gag trio follow him.

"MEXICAN GRILL PARTY!!!" Yells Chan as the rest follow.

(its not considered wrong if you are mexican technically, but i have no idea what they are called so

(its not considered wrong if you are mexican technically, but i have no idea what they are called so

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