Q&A + tagged

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before this a friend of mine asked me to tell you to spread the word that her story 18gays+1pan+1straight won't be updating for a while because she can't open the account, thank you

i got tagged by HONEYHOONS


1) 10 facts

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1) 10 facts

1. umm i wear glasses

2. these past two days i've had the most self confidence i've ever had in my life

3. i hate active shit like sports or band or choir

4. i am probably the most awkward person you will ever meet if you ever do

5. i love you

6. so far there are only 4 seasons of power rangers i enjoy and the others that i've watched are kind of trashy

7. i am very indecisive

8. black widow is secretly my favorite avenger

9. i actually quite enjoy school

10. i physically can not have a real life conversation with anyone

geez those were so hard to think of

2) 9 things i do everyday umm

1. sleep

2. procrastinate on fanfics

3. procrastinate on school work

4. go to school

5. play ssp

6. eat

7. cry over kpop

8. rethink my whole life existence

9. listen to kpop

yes very boring life i have

3) let's see

1. when my sister doesn't listen to me when i try talking about my problems for once

2. my family

3. my sister

4. my sister talking about her girlfriend and how much she misses her

5. when people in my spanish class don't stop talking

6. when my aunt comes over from Mexico

7. when i see my friends ex boyfriend (which is everyday in science)

8. idk

4) idk i don't really fear anything i guess like heights a little bit but like other than that i'm not really that scared of anything, snakes and spiders yes but like i'm all chill about it, like i could care less, same with death

5) oh boy here we go

1. Tic Toc by NeonPunch

2. Kiss and make up by Dua Lipa and BlackPink

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