Chapter Sixteen

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Breaking news was on the tv as Team Arrow was watching. This time the city was in great panic. Nearly one hundred had died in two locations last night which was two hundred people total. This time while the woman on the news told about the mass killings from the assassins there was terror in her voice. "If these mass killings continue and get worse soon the city as a whole will fall apart. We are in chaos over these murderers. The Green Arrow is out there somewhere. Star City needs you! Kill these men before they will kill us! Oliver Queen you are out there somewhere, so save us from these devastating murderers."

"We go now! We have to kill these men! For the first time Star City wants to depend on us!" Oliver Queen said to his team. "They would never expect us to come in the beginning of the day."
Oliver, John, Laurel, Dinah, and Roy quickly suited up and went over to the building where both Diaz and Overwatch died to find the longbow hunters. It was strange to them going out when it was in early morning and no moon or night around them only the sun. They split up as usual when they arrived with Arsenal going to find Killer Moth, Black Canary and Black Siren went to find the assassin Red Dart, and Arrow and Spartan went to find the longbow hunter called Komodo who killed Felicity Smoak.
Roy Harper found Killer Moth in his sleep on his bed. He took his bow and was about to put the arrow into him but he awoke and he tripped him with his leg. Killer Moth got up but Roy suddenly got up same as him and grabbed one of his arrows then plunged it in the assassin and killed him.
Dinah and Laurel dodged the trick dart with their canary cries. Once Red Dart stopped throwing the darts for a second Dinah and Laurel ran to the man to fight but he quickly through a dart at their legs. The red trick dart pierced Black Siren's leg. She fell down and tried to remove the dart as Dinah Drake was attacking the man.

She fought the longbow hunter but after seconds he grabbed her, spinned her around to face the same way he was, choked her with his arm, and was ready to break her neck. "Cruel of me to kill the Black Canary! Bye bye Canary!" Laurel Lance ripped the dart out of her leg and threw it past Dinah and into the assassin's left eye. He yelled because of the pain as Dinah was free from his grasp. She turned and canary cried into his ear until the man fell down and died.

"Thanks!" Dinah Drake smiled at her.

"No problem!" Then they both ran to find Arsenal.
Komodo was taking on both Spartan and the Arrow. Eventually though he hurt John Diggle from stabbing him in the arm with his arrow. Oliver then tripped him and held him down ready to drive an arrow into him. "Felicity was so easy to kill! She was so weak!"

He then slammed the arrow into the assassin's chest. Oliver then put another arrow into him. Oliver ripped the arrow out of Komodo. He slammed it against his chest again and again. The blood poured out of the assassin. "You will terrorize Star City no more! You three had killed Thea, had killed Curtis, Felicity! You will not kill anyone else!" John felt terrified as Oliver kept plunging the arrow in Komodo. He had already been dead. Oliver finally looked up at John with a face and body full of Komodo's red blood.
After killing all three assassins they came back to the arrow cave. "We finally avenged Curtis's death!" Dinah Drake looked at Black Siren. "Team Arrow would have another death to avenge if Laurel had not saved me from Red Dart. Laurel I was mistaken. I thought you weren't redeemable." She stared into Dinah Laurel Lance's eyes. "I was wrong!"

They smiled at each other until Roy Harper spoke up. "We killed the assassins and we put two of their bodies in front of the police department. By the end of the day they will know that the assassins are dead and will not murder anymore citizens of Star City."

"We should have a funeral for Felicity."
That evening they all had a private funeral for Oliver Queen's wife. Everyone was there watching him talk and bury the woman he dearly loved. "She was the type of person who would always be happy, cheerful, and a pleasure to be around. She loved us and we loved her so much." They all watched as Oliver buried her body in the dirt. Once everyone left he went back to the bunker after spending his time at the grave of Felicity Smoak.
He sat in his wife's seat where she would usually use for her hacking. He sat for minutes which turned to hours of resting, filling his thoughts of his girl, Felicity. He had already begun to miss her smile and laugh. They should have killed the three assassins at the beginning but they didn't. Now Felicity's dead and William had gotten hurt.

He was the only one in the bunker until he saw Earth 2 Laurel Lance coming through the elevator. "Hey I think the police found the bodies of the assassins! They know that we killed the longbow hunters! You saved Star City!"

Oliver sighed. "It doesn't feel like we killed them! It doesn't feel like we won. It feels like we lost."

She walked towards him and put her hand on his shoulder. "It's because Thea, Curtis, and Felicity died?"

"Yeah. They were all so important to Team Arrow and especially to me. Felicity was so special and she's dead because I didn't kill the assassins when we got the chance. She loved me but all I did was fail her. I was supposed to protect her but I didn't."

She looked him in the eyes and reached for his hand. "Felicity didn't die because of you. It wasn't your fault." He listened to her comforting words that sounded as if he was talking to the Laurel he knew. He still felt that part of the reason Felicity had died was because of him.

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