Nine Star

708 20 5

Author Nim.

"Qianxi!!!! Look!!! Wang Junkai is soooooo handsome!! And hot!!"Yuan shouted like there's no tomorrow to his friend qianxi who rolled his eyes.

"you always said that!"qianxi said and yuan pout at him.

"I just can't stop praising him"
yuan said and qianxi rolled his eyes again.

"why do you like Junkai that much?His just ordinary kid like us! His just our classmate"
Qianxi ask yuan and yuan sigh.

"I like him because..... He smile at me"yuan said and qianxi look at him strangely

"that's it?!"qianxi said and yuan bow his head down and nod. Even yuan can't understand why he really likes Junkai.... Junkai just smiled at him in the very first time they bump to each other. Qianxi look at his friend he soften a bit... So he sigh.

"my cousin told me if you draw your name crush nine times... In nine stars... In ten days he will fall inlove with you"Qianxi said looking at to yuan who was looking at him strangely and confuse.

"u-umh..... Pardon?Did your cousin find his true love?After he/she do that?"yuan ask he was unsure about that.

"maybe! Why don't you try too? So we could see if it is true or not!"qianxi said and yuan hesitate

"Okay!!!"I'll start tomorrow!"
Yuan excitedly said and run to his room.

In the morning yuan was very excited and happy because he will see junkai again but when he turned around.... His heart hurt Because of what he see.... He see Junkai hugging a girl.

"you know.... Don't look at them... So you can't get hurt"
Qianxi suddenly appeared and yuan run away while crying.


"Junkai!"the girl name Victoria  Wang... Junkai Girl Cousin.

"Sis?! What are you doing here?"Junkai ask Victoria and Victoria hug him so he hug back.. He see someone running.... When he look who was it... It was yuan...

"Junkai?! I said mom and I visited your family that's why I'm here! And who are you looking at?"As victoria said and look where's Junkai looking he see in Junkai eyes that his worried.

"Junkai?"she called again and Junkai look at her.

"I'm sorry... What was that again?"Junkai ask and Victoria sigh and smile.....

"just come to house later!  I will go now!"Victoria bid her goodbye to Junkai.

Forward (3rd Night)--->

It's been a three days since yuan saw Junkai hugging someone but he didn't stop writing Junkai name every night in The Star... And every time he will see Junkai in the hallway he will avoid Junkai. And Junkai can see it.. He want to know why yuan avoiding him specially his kind of hurt...
6:30 in the evening he waited in the gate for Wang yuan he sees every students are going home but he didn't see yuan... So he walk back inside the campus to find yuan he see yuan in the garden he was about to walk to yuan when he heard yuan mumbled something.

"Wang Junkai.... Six days to go before I complete the nine star... Will you like me back as I like you?"yuan talk to himself while looking up the sky... Junkai just stood there he was shock to hear that he has a crush on yuan but he didn't know if he Likes yuan.. So he step back before yuan can see him.

It's been six days and this is the last day that yuan will write junkai name when the bell rang... He ran like a wind and smiling like there's no tomorrow but stop when he see the people opening there umbrellas...

"don't tell me.... "he didn't finish his words when he sees the sky is getting dark and water starting to pour... He wanted to cry this is his last day but he still find some star running around people looking at him weirdly but he didn't care... After a minute of finding a Star he didn't find any so he cried harder luckily no one's around.

"t-this I-is my last day... Why?!"
Yuan shouted and cried still finding star he was shivering because of cold... When someone block his vision..

"you will get sick"the man gently and softly said to him but yuan gently push his umbrella and still hoping to find star.

"p-please l-leave me alone... This is my last day to right Junkai's name.... A-and I--"Yuan didn't even manage to finish his sentence because of coldness.. But he feel someone hug him so he was shock he was about to shout when he heard the man spoke.

"you shouldn't let yourself get cold... I will be sad if you had a cold...  And you don't have to suffer just to write my name in the sky... I'm here now"Junkai said and yuan don't know what to do... So he just lowered his head and Junkai make him face him and touch his chin to look at in his eyes... Eyes blush at the action.

"Now yuan.... Will you be my boyfriend?"Junkai ask him and yuan can't help is to cry and Junkai laugh a little Because yuan Cried like a baby.

"it is a yes or no?!"Junkai ask yuan

"y-yes! "yuan finally answered and Junkai smiled widely and hug yuan forgetting that there getting wet. Yuan pulled into the hug touch Junkai face.

"what are you doing?"Junkai ask him curiously... Actually yuan pinching his cheeks.

"I was... Just making sure your real"Yuan softly said and Junkai chuckled and touch yuan face.

"you don't believe? Then I will proved it then that I was real"
Junkai said before Yuan can say a word soft lips are now in his lips he was shock but kissed Junkai back and close his eyes...  Junkai sees yuan expression and his very happy so he close his eyes to and kiss yuan passionately but gently... He didn't want to let go of yuan lips but they need air so he let go and touch his forehead to yuan but yuan sneeze. So he chuckled yuan was too cuteeeeeeee!!!

"Aish!! We should go now... And I don't want you to get sick!"Junkai said and yuan nod they started to walk to there home while holding each other hands and wide and gentle smile can be seen and their faces.


"I thought Junkai will never confess!! Woo! And I thought yuan will be forever suffering because of junkai" zhihong whispered like shouted behind the big tree.

"you know! You are right but can you just be quiet!"qianxi said And smack his back of his neck and zhihong hiss. They watch the whole scene and they where happy for yuan and Junkai relationship.

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