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Author nim.

Wang Junkai is a Youngest  famous mafia boss in the world in the age of 19 years old. no one can't touch him... One touch of his skin you'll die. And now his at the famous club a lot of girls trying to seduce him just looking at his eyes but seems our mafia boss didn't care at all. He was kind of bored so he walk towards the manager room without knocking and the manager startled and scared a Little.

"/*cough*/ w-what can I do for you mister Wang?"the manager ask Junkai and Junkai look at him.

"I heard there's a new boy in here? Can I see him?"Junkai ask the manager and the manager hesitating at first but nod his head.

"okay! Mister Wang just follow me"the manager said and walk out of the room Junkai followed behind without a minions. They rode a elevator and stop in a V.I.P area they walk in few and stop in front of a wooden door the manager open it.

"we put him... Inside the bedroom... I will go and check his profile"the manager said and Junkai just nod his head and got to the second floor and open the bedroom door.


When Junkai open the door he can't see anything because the lights off except the lampshade but he sees a person sleeping in the bed.. So he walk forward to see the person when he reach beside the person he was dumbfounded he can't believe that this boy who was sleeping in the bed can beat a girl beauty. So he walk closely to him and look at him closely the boy have a milky white skin, nice and soft lips, eyes that turn into crescent if he smile Junkai can describe him in one word perfect. Junkai was about to touch the boy lips but stop when the manager cough.

"I'm sorry Mr. Wang but you can't touch him... The head chairman said his our best seller.... His mother brought him here this morning and then sell him worth of 5M"The manager explain to him and Junkai can feel his blood boiling how can his mother sell him just worth of 5M?!

"I'll buy him"junkai simply said and take out his wallet and gave his black card and the manager froze in a moment but recover and excuse himself. Junkai left alone with the sleeping boy so he touch the boy face and he feel the boy skin so soft like a baby skin.

"how could your mother sell you just for money?! Don't worry my dear I'll make her suffer"Junkai said like a demon while touching the boy face and the manager Came back with his card. And the boy profile.

"Okay Mr. Wang since you buy that boy we will reveal his profile...  His name is Wang Yuan his leaving in Chongqing and his just 17 years old... His mother sell him worth of 5M this morning and we inject him some drugs... So he can't remember anything from his past"The manager explain Junkai noted it all and take of his tuxedo and wear it to yuan and he carried him in a bridal style.

"So he can't remember himself?"Junkai ask the manager while carrying yuan in his hands.

"Yes! And you can take him home Mr. Wang.. And thank you!"the manager said and bow Junkai just nod and bring yuan with him... He hug yuan tightly hiding him in the crowd. When they reach in Junkai car Junkai open the shotgun seat and gently put yuan in the seat and put his seatbelt and he walk in the driver seats and start the engine. While Junkai driving he can't stop looking at the boy so he touch the feminine hand of yuan.
"I will protect you in this world Yuan"he possessive said in the whole ride he was touching yuan hands. And they have finally arrived at Junkai mansion.... Now Junkai have yuan he have to adjust living with someone.... He was actually living by himself and now he have yuan. He carried yuan and walk inside his house and walk towards his master bedroom and gently put yuan in his bed and call his assistant.

"bring the marriage certificate"junkai simply said and hung up the call and seat beside yuan watch him sleep. In a minutes the assistant came bring the marriage certificate Junkai get it and dismiss his assistant. He walk into his office desk and get some ink and walk towards yuan and get his fingerprints and pinch it in the marriage certificate and he out his fingerprints too he put the marriage certificate in his private place and clean yuan fingertip and wait.. Yuan to wake up.  

Minutes has past....

Junkai waited patiently for yuan to wake when he heard yuan groaned he seat up straight and look at yuan closely... When yuan open his eyes slowly he look around and then Junkai they look at each other and Junkai seems to be drown in yuan chocolate hazel brown eyes.

"w-who are you?"yuan ask him and sit slowly.. Junkai help him and hold his hands yuan blush.

"I'm Wang Junkai your husband"junkai calmly said and yuan was shock he married to a handsome boy?!

"your kidding right? If your my husband where's the ring?"
Yuan confusedly asking Junkai and Junkai smiled at him the first time he smiled again.

"you got into and accident and you lost your memory and the ring"Junkai lied he can't say the truth... Yuan got shock of what he heard that's why he can't remember anything.

"is that so? Then who am I? Where's my parents?"Yuan ask Junkai softly and Junkai carried him and bring him in the living room and they seat on the sofa Junkai put yuan in his lap yuan blush.

"your name is Wang yuan.... And your parents died because of the accident"Junkai said and yuan got sad about the news.. He started to cry and Junkai didn't like it he Hates it! Seeing his precious treasure cry so he shush him. Yuan stop crying and they stay for a while when yuan look at him.

"can you bring me to your kitchen?"yuan ask and Junkai just nod and pulled yuan hands bringing him in the kitchen. Yuan mouth was wide seeing how big the kitchen is and Junkai saw his reaction and he smiled. Yuan look at him seriously.

"your house.... Looks like you have no made? Are you living by yourself?"Yuan ask Junkai and Junkai hug him and kiss his forehead.

"Yes... Before but now.. I am living with you"Junkai said and yuan Blush... And he let go of the hug and touch Junkai face.

"I can't remember anything but I will try my best as your husband"yuan said while blushing and Junkai was first time to be fluttered.

"you don't need to try your best... You are the best"junkai said and kiss yuan lips passionately and yuan kiss back and Junkai pulled away he have to stop himself not to jump at the younger and take advantage to him.

"I should cook now! I know your hungry and I'm hungry too!"Yuan said like a child and Junkai laugh a little... Looks like Junkai are smiling again because of yuan and he was happy of it. He will treasure Yuan more than his life.

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