Prisoner or Boyfriend?

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Wang Junkai was now living on his own because his parents die from illness while his twin brother committed suicide... Junkai didn't know why but when he check his twin brother dorm he found out some cd tapes in his brother computer he watch it.

"Junkai.. If your watching this video... I'm sorry for leaving you..  I just can't... I can't live and breathe without ma siyuan in my side... I'm sorry brother... Farewell"

That's was on a video and Junkai got angry after watching the video.

"this all your fault!Ma Siyuan!"
Junkai said in range then he get out his twin brother apartment and go to his friend house.

"what it is Junkai?"his friend qianxi ask him when Junkai arrived in his house.

"I want to know who's this Ma Siyuan!"Junkai seriously said

"why do you want to know about him?"qianxi ask him and Junkai clenched his fists.

"because his the reason why my brother committed suicide!"Junkai said and qianxi sigh but then he stand up and get some picture in his drawer he gave it to Junkai and Junkai take it.

"His Ma Siyuan"qianxi said and Junkai glared at the picture.

"your gonna pay your sin!"
Junkai sternly said and he stand up to leave qianxi house and qianxi watch in veranda.

"I hope he didn't get the wrong person"qianxi said and get inside his house.

Midnight ➡

Junkai pack his things that he needed like tape, rope and towel he already know where is Ma Siyuan when he pack all his things he leave the house and get inside his car to go in Siyuan university.... He waited outside until siyuan appear... He get down to his car and slowly followed siyuan when siyuan friend leave he immediately walk towards and cover Siyuan mouth with a towel... Siyuan got shock and struggle but the towel has a sleeping liquid and darkness eat him when Siyuan went limp Junkai carried him and throw him at the back of the car and Junkai get inside his to drive.

An Hour ➡

Siyuan wake up the first thing he did it's to look around and he sees that his in abandon dorm he struggle but his arms and feet are in tie.

"your already awake Ma Siyuan"junkai said when he entered the room and siyuan struggle.

"you got a wrong person!"
Siyuan shouted and struggle Junkai starting to annoyed so he punch siyuan tummy and siyuan wince in pain Junkai touch his chin harshly.

"STOP! Struggling Ma Siyuan! Your gonna stay in here forever to pay your sin! Until you die!"Junkai serious said and let go of Siyuan chin harshly and leave the room and Siyuan cried until he sleep.

Morning ➡

Junkai get inside of Siyuan room to wake up Siyuan.

"what a beautiful person"
junkai said and poured a bucket of water to yuan and yuan immediately woke up because of coldness.

"Finally already awake! I'm gonna set you free and I want you to do is to clean this dorm and make some foods if you didn't do it! I'm not gonna let you go!"Junkai said and leave siyuan room and Siyuan hug himself but he stand up to change his clothes and do what Junkai said.... In the middle of his cleaning someone open the door revealing a guy and the guy get inside but Siyuan didn't look at him.

"Your Ma Siyuan? Or should I say Wang Yuan... Please forgive Junkai attitude all he need is a love by someone his parents die from illness and only his twin brother all he got but he committed suicide and Junkai git angry when he know the reason why his brother die is because of Ma Siyuan your look a like"qianxi said his the one who entered the house and Siyuan or should we say Yuan glared at him.

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