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Wang Junkai harshly push yuan on the wall while hardly and passionately kissing yuan while yuan groan because of the Impact Junkai hands roam all over yuan body and stop in yuan butt he squeeze it and yuan moaned and grind his member to yuan member.

"j-junkai..... "yuan moaned as Junkai kissed his neck and suck it hardly Junkai tear off yuan clothes and pants even his he let go of yuan lips and look at to yuan who was seemingly sexy he was getting really hard.

"you're mine yuan! Only mine!"Junkai growl and kiss yuan again before he answer he pulled down yuan brief and he turned around yuan body and he push it on the wall yuan whined because Junkai was teasing him.

"you don't want to get teased? Huh?"Junkai whispered in his ears and yuan got shivered he can't answer his head was to cloudy and Junkai want to hear yuan whine so he spank yuan and yuan flinch and whine.

"better answer me baby~"
Junkai huskily said and yuan got shiver.

"Y-yes master...."yuan answer and Junkai smirk he slowly push his two finger and yuan eyes widen and mouth wide open when Junkai finger was fully inside yuan he trusted his finger and yuan moaned Junkai was kissing yuan back and making mark while fingering yuan and yuan scream when Junkai hit his spot and Junkai smirk then he took out his finger and yuan whined his legs was now weak every minutes he will fall but yuan eyes widen and tears falling when he feel some big was entering him it was Junkai member and Junkai hug him from the back moaning.

"your so tight yuan.. Arg!"
Junkai moaned and slowly pushing his member inside yuan when he fully got inside yuan he intertwine his hands to yuan and he kissed yuan neck and chin to ease the pain.

"m-move faster and harder"
yuan said but Junkai don't want yuan to get hurt so he gently trust when yuan can take his size he take out his cock and back inside yuan and Fck him hard and fast like yuan said and yuan couldn't do anything just to moaned and whine... Junkai push yuan into the wall now yuan and the wall space was now 0 while Junkai fckng at the back Junkai can feel yuan was coming so he pulled out and yuan almost fall but Junkai was fast he Catch yuan and carried him in bridal style.

"where not done yet"junkai said and gently laid yuan down into bed and tie his hands into the headboard.

"p-please master .... "yuan whine and Junkai hovering him.

"what it is baby?"Junkai ask while sucking yuan chest yuan arch his back.

"please fck me hard and let me cum!"yuan said and Junkai pushed his member inside yuan and trust faster and yuan got shock about it and moaned loudly because of pain and pleasure.

"a-ah... I-im coming! Please let me cum master!"yuan said and Junkai leaned down and hug yuan and yuan hug him back while scratching his back and Junkai hissed as he fck yuan hard and deep in a minutes yuan come and Junkai come inside yuan and pulled out.

Junkai fall to yuan and yuan hug him... Junkai rolled beside yuan and pulled him along him and now yuan was on top of him panting hard Junkai hug him tightly.

"did I hurt you?"Junkai ask yuan while touching his hair.

"no.. I'm fine"yuan answer and Junkai touch his chin and kissed him on the lips.

"you said I'm yours right? Then your mine junkai"yuan said and Junkai laugh.

"yes I'm all yours... Now sleep"
Junkai said and yuan smiled and close his eyes and Junkai just watch yuan all night.



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