Promise Me pt.2

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His back.... And my heart is beating widely..... I still like Wang Junkai but I can't trust him again....He broke my trust to him when I was a twelve years old... I don't know if I can trust him.....

Wang Yuan pov.

I get out of the bathroom after I fix myself and go to Junkai office his my boss... So I have to do my duties as a secretary... When I was in front of his door I inhale first before I open it...  And I saw boss qianxi and Junkai looking at each other deeply like their killing each other..... O-okay??  What's going on? I have to interrupt because Mr. Wang have a meeting.

"/*cough*/ I'm sorry to disturb sirs but Mr. Wang have a meeting in 20 minutes"i said and they both look at me... And it's awkward... So I bow my head and close the door... O-okay their eyes is so intense...

"I should go... And do my work"i mumble to myself and started to walk when someone block my way... I look at who was it... It was Ms. Sophia so I bow

"good morning... Ms. Sophia... What are you doing here?"I ask her and he smile

"Is Wang Junkai is here already?"Ms. Sophia ask what is she want from Junkai?

"ah... Yes.. His in his office"I said and she smiled widely.... I have a bad feeling about this... Wait... Why am I?! gRRR!!!!!

"OMY!! THANK YOU! BABYE~ I'LL GO TALK TO JUNKAI!"she hurriedly said and start running like walking and I rolled my eyes.... Geez... If she's not rich maybe I shove my pen into her eyes... -__- I should get to work....

Author nim pov.

Yuan back to his work zhihong wants to talk to yuan but he guess yuan is not in the mood...... Meanwhile in Junkai office...

"JUNKAI!!"Sophia shouted from outside of Junkai office lots of employees shock even Junkai and qianxi....

"dammit! What is she doing here?!"Junkai said to himself and qianxi smirk.

"looks like your in trouble"
qianxi said and get out of the room Junkai left there alone and he sigh and massage his temple..

/*Bang Bang*/

"Junkai!! Your back!!"Sophia excitedly said and run to Junkai and hug him tightly.... Junkai let go of the hug...

"Sophia? What are you doing here?"Junkai coldly ask Sophia and she pout... Junkai rolls his eyes Yuan pout is still the cutest he though.

"are you not happy to see me? Did you not miss me? I'm your girlfriend you should be happy too see me!"Sophia said letting her tantrums and Junkai started to get annoyed....

"Sophia! First... Your not my girlfriend! Second.. Why should I miss you? Third... Do you think I'm happy?!"Junkai harshly said and Sophia kind of hurt about that but she still pushing herself to Junkai.

"ey... That harsh! You know!"
she baby talk while pouting trying to be cute but Junkai just look at her... He was about to say something when someone knock on his door..

"who was it?"Junkai ask in calm tone while Sophia are clingy to Junkai and the door open revealing yuan... And Junkai was shock so he stand up and push Sophia who almost fall...

"Yuan? Was is it?"junkai become excited when he see yuan and Sophia saw that he was getting jealous and angry to yuan she remember the childhood friend of Junkai name is Yuan... So your yuan? Junkai will be mine she though.

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