Promise Me pt.1

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"promise me!! You will never find another man or women to marry you in the future okay!"
the eleven years old boy said to his childhood friend

"I promise!! Promise me that your gonna keep your promise!"the ten years old boy said to the boy and slung his finger to the other and they smile widely...

Wang Junkai pov.

Hay.... Is good to be back here at Chongqing... I was waiting to my friend qianxi his gonna pick me up Ow! Right my name is Wang Junkai called me Karry and I'm 23 years old and done..


Someone horn and I look at the car it was qianxi Mercedes... So I walk to the car and open the back seat to put my bag and open the shotgun seat...

"you really.. Lazy are you?"I ask him and we peace bro.. He chuckled and start driving...

"yeah... I'm kind of tired"he said

"your tired?Then let me drive!"I suggest and he look at me raising his eyes brow..

"are you sure?you just got arrived"he said And I chuckle

"im fine!! I have half of hour rest because of waiting for u!"I said

"okay.. As you said"he said and he stop the car at the side of the road and we change a seats.. When I seat in driver seat I start driving.....

"hey! I'm gonna introduce you to my ex secretary... His the one who's gonna help you in your company"he said

"wait.. Ex secretary? Did you fired him or what?"I ask and he laugh

"ahaha... Actually! His my best secretary but your father said you gotta have a genius and gentle secretary... So I decided to give my secretary to you"he said and I was like"WHAT?!"

"WAIT.... so you transfer your best secretary for me?! How about you?!"I ask him

"tsk! Don't worry about me and his not just my secretary his my very special friend too"
he said and I look at him... Wait... Is he blushing?! OMG!!!

"my my dear friend!! Is he your boyfriend? That's why his special?"I ask him and he blush

"what are you saying?! Me and him are just friends! But... I have a crush on him it's hard to confess"he said and chuckle while shaking my head...

"whatever.... you do bro I'll support you!"I said and he laugh.. Half an hour we arrive to his mansion... Qianxi go to his room to rest and I am now in the balcony remembering the old memories I have and him.... I should find him.... But first I have you sleep....


/*Ring Ring*/

Mmmm.... What time it's it? I open my eyes slowly and look to the wall clock and O.O

"IT'S 7:55 A.M?! WHY QIANXI DID NOT WAKE ME UP?!"I raised my voice and Start running around and Go to shower after I wash my phone ring so I pick it up...

/*Ring Ring*/



"SORRY... I just got woke up!! And you didn't wake me up!"

"Dude! What the fudge?! I was waking you up this morning but you little sht! Didn't even move a little bit!"

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