Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Talan's POV:

I was going to marks after school I wasn't that excited but I guess I needed a distraction. I got called up to the office and I thought maybe it had something to do with my mom. When I got to the front I saw mark and his mom. Mark came over and whispered in my ear

"My moms taking us to Disneyland she said she was your aunt go along with it you have your pass right?"he said

"Talan this is your aunt right?"the lady at the front desk asked

"Yeah" I replied

I pulled out my phone to text tori. Dang it, it was dead.

"Hey mark can we stop by this motel were staying at I need to grab a jacket and some money" I asked

"Yeah I'm pretty sure" he replied

We drove back to the the motel and I unlocked the door. I went in and grabbed my charger, $20 under the mattress, and my jacket I was wearing the other night. I left a note for Kelsey saying I would be back later and my phone was dead. I put it somewhere she would definitely see it. The mirror. I went back outside to the car and got in. Mark was almost asleep and I dozed off a little too. Until I was awakened by a loud honk and then a crash. The car was rolling. I could hear screams and horns and I didn't know what to do it could be my last seconds on earth and I was just watching it drift by. Then bam I hit my head. I was down for the count.

Tori's POV:

I was crying, sobbing in Cameron's arms. I couldn't stop. We were still in front of the elementary and I kept calling talan but his phone was off. Why?! What happened I couldn't even think. Cameron took me to his house I assumed and I clicked on the T.V I needed a distraction and that's when I saw it

"Deadly car crash 2 dead and one in critical care, the victims are assumed to be Andrea young, mark young, and Talan bishop. Details of what happened are still being discussed" the news reporter said

What, what, what, what. Dead? No this can't be happening. Cameron rushed me out of the house.

"Let me drive" I said

"No way tori u can barely talk let alone drive" he said

I really didn't have it in me to argue. Tears just poured out of my eyes.

It took us 20 minutes to reach disneyland and the whole time I've been shaking. We pulled up to the scene and I ran.

"Sorry mam police only" a scrawny man in a uniform said


I pushed him aside and ran under the tape

"WHERS MY BROTHER?!" I screamed

No one answered

"WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!" I was now sobbing

I'm that moment I saw a little boy on a stretcher being pulled into an ambulance.

"TALAN!" I screamed

"TALAN!" I screamed again

I kept screaming I started running towards the moving ambulance and them Cameron pulled me back. I collapsed and the last thing I remember is Cameron catching me.

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