Part 10: Good And Evil Humanity.

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Jamie stared, wide eyed in horror as the boy flew backwards, his head snapping back and exploding outwards and inwards at the same time.  He didn't even have time to make a noise, he was just killed on the spot, no warning for him. 

Jamie spun and looked at Alex, who was stood just behind him, pistol in hand, levelled with where the boys head had been.  He had a cold look in his eye, a look which Jamie couldn't even recognise.  In this moment, Alex was a whole different person.

"What the fuck?!" Jamie roared, slapping the gun out of Alex's hand and gripping onto his collar. 

"He was lying, he would have led those freaks in there to us!" Alex argued, grabbing hold of Jamie.

"No he fuckin wouldn't have! He was a damned kid! He was scared!" Jamie shouted in Alex's face, bits of spit landing on him.

"We can't take any chances." Alex said coldly.

"We can't..? You're fucking kidding me right?!" Jamie yelled, absolutely ballistic.

Alex didn't say anything, just looked him in the eye. Jamie spun Alex around, throwing him towards the fresh corpse of the child.

"Look at that!" Jamie yelled. "You did that! You just murdered a child!"

"I saved us!" Alex turned around and growled.

Jamie had had it, his rage, shock and fear boiling over he swung his fist forward and cracked Alex right in his eye, sending him reeling back and falling down by the boy. Alex was pissed now, he got up, roaring like an animal and grabbing his hatchet, swinging it wildly in front of him, partially blinded by one tear filled eye.

"Oh fuck!" Jamie yelled as he jumped back, his heart leaping as the hatchet missed him by millimetres.

Jamie grabbed his own hatchet, lifting it up and blocking one of Alex's frenzied attacks, making his hatchet bounce out of his hand from the sheer power of Alex's brutal swings. As he deflected the killing blow, he brought a foot up, kicking Alex in the chest, knocking the wind out of him momentarily.

In this time space Jamie had created for himself he brought up his gun before Alex could swing again and fired three shots without thinking, the first two missing, the final bullet exploding through Alex's hand, obliterating his fingers and part of his palm.

"GAH!" He yelled as he fell into the floor, clutching his demolished hand.

Without thinking, Jamie came up above him, pointing the gun directly at his face.

"Give me a reason! Go on! Fucking give me one, cunt!" Jamie yelled, emphasising the gun in his hand by thrusting it forwards.

Alex didn't move, just clutched his hand and rolled around in pain. It looked bad, his palm and most of his fingers having being mangled, it was like a kid had got a red crayon and scribbled, it looked like that.

"Don't come back to the university, I won't allow you back in, and neither will Dolton after he hears of this." Jamie spat angrily. 

"Fine!" Alex shot back. "Hated that shit place anyway!"

Jamie looked at him for a moment, looking into the eye of a murderer. Looking into the eye of an old college mate, his whole body shaking violently from what he had seen and done, in this moment he was truly scared.  Alex's face was scrunched up and red in rage, veins protruding from his forehead.  He'd never felt fear like this.  It was overwhelming. He turned and ran.

The imperial war museum
Alex and Elise
2:03 PM

They walked along the top floor, grinning and joking about stuff. Elise didn't even know what about, but it was funny somehow, funny and ridiculous.

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