p r o l o g u e

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                      you really dont need to read brazil to understand this one but i would recommend reading it cause than it will make a little bit more sense to be honest. also this is all about maria and davids relationship not sabrina and neymar. thank you :-) have fun reading it.

                [maria p.o.v]


"Are you coming or not?" Thiago questioned me and I just groaned.

"Do I need to come?" I asked him and he nodded his head.

"I cant leave my little sister by herself so you're coming to practice with me." Thiago ended the conversation without letting me say anything.

"Just let me stay in the car than." I told him as we appraoched the stadium. He just shook his head and parked. I followed him out of the car and just groaned in frusturation after each step I took. I wanted to stay at his place and relax a bit. In two days I have to return back to America and I was planning on going out later.

"It's just five hours Maria." Thiago said serious.

"FIVE HOURS IS A LONG TIME AND MY BATTERY WONT LAST THAT LONG!" I cried and he just laughed. I was dragged into the building and was forced to wait outside the changing room.

"What's a lovely lady like you waiting out here for?" I looked up to spot one of the most gorgeous guys I ever seen in my life. He had the most beautiful eyes and the curliest hair I seen on a guy.

"Well, I'm waiting for my brother to finish practice and than take me home." I told him.

"Oh you must be Thiago's sister uhm Mary?" He asked.

"Its Maria." I told him.

"Well, I'm David." He introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you David." I smiled and stood up from the ground.

"So how long are you staying for?" David asked me as we walked towards the field.

"I have two more days before I leave on Saturday." I told him.

"Well thats not enought time." David groaned.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"To take you out on a date." David turned to me and I tried to not blush.

"Well we can consider this our first date." I told him.

"It was such a wonderful date so far." David played along.

"We should go on a second date soon before I leave." I told him.

"Oh dont worry we will." David winked at me.

The boys started to come out and head to the field. I spotted Thiago on the field talking to one of his team mates.

"Of darn you have to go now." I fake pouted.

"Oh dont worry love," David told me, "I bet our second date tomorrow at five will be better." David leaned in closer to me.

"How would we do that when you dont know where I live?" I smirked at him.

"You obviously live with Thiago for the moment and be prepared for our date at the beach." David told me.

"Oh dont worry I'll be ready and you have to go now." I pointed to his team mates who were now waiting for him.

"It was a wondeful first date Maria. Now before I go I kind of need to end this date with a hug." David hugged me before running to the field. I turned around and bit down on my lip.

I sat down on one of the benches and watched the boys. I spotted David joking around with his team mates and I smiled simply at him.

I couldnt keep my eyes off of him for some reason.

His eyes landed on me and he sent me a wink. I just blushed and looked towards the ground while biting down on my lip.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and it was a message from my best friend.

sabrina; its so peaceful without you please stay there jk imy bae.

maria; go die and to think i was going to get you a gift.

sabrina; you love me anyways.


"MARIA!" I turned around and saw Thiago calling me over. I groaned and walked over to her.

"Yes Thiago?" I asked as I approached him.

"The boys and I are going out to eat at Neymar's you want to come or not?" Thiago asked me. I spotted David behind him and he apporached us.

"Yeah you should go Maria. I doubt you want to be home alone." David said as he stood beside Thiago.

"Um sure." I smiled and Thiago looked at us confused. I turned around and headed back to the bench. I sat down and silently screamed in happiness to myself.

I looked over at the field and David was smiling at me. He waved hi towards me and i waved back.

I looked towards the sky and to be honest I'm glad Thiago dragged me to his practice.

It was probably the best day of this vacation so far.

Every minute or so I will spot him looking towards me and like the girl I am I would blush. This guy had a huge effect on me. In relationships I was usually the one in control you can say and basically the demanding one. David was just having this huge effect on me and for some reason I actually liked it.

It felt like only a minute passed by when Thiago approached me.

"Time to go to Neymar's." Thiago told me. He was already changed and so was everyone. I didnt even take the time to notice becasue I was focused on David the whole time.

"Oh sorry how did you change so fast?" I asked him confused.

"Well I went in an hour ago and when I told you well you were thinking about probably David." thiago laughed.

"What? No." I scoffed.

"Whatever you say and by the way are you coming with me tomorrow to practice?" Thiago asked.

"Yes!" I said and we headed outside to the parking lot. I spotted David leaning against his car while he was talking to  Neymar. I quickly went in the car before he could see me.

Well, today was an amazing day so far.


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