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by the way i need to say that some scenes will be the same from the other story. btw do you guys like the new cover?

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After a long two weeks of waiting i was going to finally have to take the pregnancy test. I been having all the symptoms of pregnancy so there's a high chance that I am pregnant. I was currently waiting for David to come back with the tests from the local pharmacy.

Whenever i got nervous my breathing would get heavy and right now i was trying to relax myself before anything else. I had to take the test, tell Sabrina soon, and the scariest part is going to doctors.

I sat straight up when I heard the front door shut close. I stood up and watched David take out the test. I slowly took it in my hand and headed out to the bathroom. David gave me a small hug and i entered the bathroom. I took a small sigh before pulling the test out of the box and following the instructions.

Once, i finished i now had to wait for the results and I was nervous as hell now. I exited the bathroom and spotted David sitting on the floor against the wall. I sat down beside him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Pregnant or not i love you Maria." David finally decided to speak up. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"I love you to babe." I replied back and then decided to reconnect our lips again. Our lips moved together in sync together and the feeling i got drove me crazy.

I felt my timer on my phone go off after five minutes. I had to go check the results now and I felt my whole body get way more nervous. I slowly pulled away from David and nervously smiled at him. I stood up and moved to the sink where I left the test by.

David's hand wrapped around my waist and his head rested in my shoulder. I picked up the test and smiled at the results.

"Are you pregnant?" David asked and i turned around to face him.

"Yes i am." I said happily and he immediately connected our lips again. I wrapped my hands around his neck and his hands slid around my waist.

"Babe, this is amazing." David said happily and pulled me into him tighter.

"I know and now we are kind of going to have to tell people that we are dating because in a couple months I'm not going to be able to hide the bump." I bit my lip and he nodded understanding.

"True and we can start with Sabrina." David told me. I need to tell Sabrina as soon as possible.

"I know man and you can go ahead and tell neymar if you want." I replied.

"Is it bad to tell you that he may already know?" David asked nervously.

"You told him? When? Why? Why did you not tell me?" I asked him a bit angrily.

"Well, I had to tell him after he came up to me i the locker room and said he saw us making out in the first game. I told him to keep it to himself and not to tell Sabrina until you do. I didnt tell you because I knew that you probably will get mad." David answered.

"Well, I'm not that mad and you should have told me." I fake pouted and he just sighed.

"Sorry but it doesnt matter anymore. We need to get you back to Thiagos's and I think you should tell Sabrina today since you know."

We left the house and I decided I'll tell Sabrina right after she tells me what she suppoesdly needed to tell me. I went into her room when we arrived and hoped everything will go alright.

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