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                Maria P.O.V




Just like yesterday thiago woke me up early for practice and I just put on a pair of shorts with a tanktop. I put my hair into a tight ponytail and then headed out with Thiago. I felt my phone buzz and smiled when I saw it was message from David.

David; morning gorgeous :) and remember a certain someone would be waiting for you.

Me; morning to you too handsome and dont worry another certain someone will be there.

David; he will be waiting for her :)

I put my phone back into my bag and turned on the radio. I saw the stadium in sight and smiled widely. I was looking forward to seeing David again.

"You're certainly happy to be here." Thiago said and I just shrughed.

"I approve." He added and I turned to him confused.

"Approve of what?" I asked him confused.

"Obviously, of you and david. He's a great guy and I think that you two would be really cute together." Thiago told me as we stepped out the car. I quickly ran to his side and hugged him.

"It means a lot." I told him and he softly rubbed my back.

"Anything to see my little sister happy." Thiago told me and we walked into the stadium. He went into the changing room and I headed out to the field. I felt a pair of hands hug me from behind and I turned around.

"You just made a certain someone very happy." David smiled and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Well, you just did too." I replied and we headed to the bench i was sitting yesterday in.

"I cant wait for our date later on." David smiled and I nodded agreeing.

"Youre picking me up at Thiagos right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Let's play a little game right now before the boys come out."David suggested and I nodded. I was wearing a pair of combat boots and i took them off and decided to play in my socks . David had cleats so he certainly had an advantage against me. I put my hair into a bun and we started our little game.

I chased after him as he headed to the net but like the cheater I am I pushed him and stole the ball and quickly ran. Thank god I used to do track and still take morning runs with Sabrina.

"I dont think so princess." David said before stealing it from me again. I ran quickly and took it away from him. I then ran ahead to the net and took a quick shot and made it in!

"David you just got your butt kicked by Maria!" I turned to see the boys coming out. I just walked over to my bench and David followed behind me.

"Well you should head on and go practice." I told him.

"I rather just sit here and talk to you but sadly I cant due to practice." David pouted.

"Well, we will have plenty of time to talk when we go on our date later." I reminded him.

"True and we're going to the beach remember." He walked back to the boys and I watched them practice.

Mostly, it meant that I was watching David most of the time. I usually looked away when he looked towards me. I didnt want him to know that I was staring at him. Kind of stalkerish if you ask me.

After practice was over I left with thiago. I had to look for what I was going to wear. I decided on an Aztec crop bikini and put a pair of shorts and a thin cardigan. I put on flip flops and packed a towel and water bottle in my bag.

I patiently waited for David to arrive and once I heard the doorbell I ran down the stairs and to the living room. I saw Thiago talking to David on the couch. David spottted me and smiled.

"I'll text you when we're coming back." I told Thiago and we headed out.

"Our third date." David smirked and I nodded. I entered the passenger seat and told myself to have a good time.

"What time are you leaving tomorrow?" David asked me.

"At three." I told him and he frowned.

"I knew you for just two days and I'm going to miss you so much." David told me.

"I'm going to miss you a lot too." I said and he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. He continued driving and we talked about just each other.

"Promise me one thing." David told me.

"Whats that?" I asked him.

"That we will never lose touch with each other." he told me.

"I promise." I said and I did. I wasnt going to let David out of my life at all.

"Good and now lets enjoy our time together." David said and we both exited the car. He then intertwined our fingers again and we headed out to find a comfy spot.

Once we found one we set up our things and sat down looking towards the water.

"What a nice view." I told him and laid my head against his shoulder.

"Its not as nice as my view." David told me and I looked up and our eyes met.

"I now found a way better view too." I smiled.

He slowly leaned in and our lips met each others. It was as if our lips were made for each other and they moved passionly against each other. He slowly deepend the kiss.

We both pulled away slowly and I smiled when our eyes met.

"Well this was my favorite date we had yet." David spoke up.

"Mines too." I agreed.

I spent the rest of the day with him and it was probably the best day I ever had. Not best day in Brazil but the best day in my life.

Sadly, I had to go back to thiago's.

"I need to see you before you leave." David said.

"Come to the sirport." I told him.

"I will and I just wish you didnt have to leave." He frowned.

"I'll be back and I'll be here for the world cup cheering you on. Remember?" I asked.

"Thats a long time but I'll do anything to just continue being with you. I'm willing to wait my whole life if I need to." David told me.

"We'll text everyday and I'll try to come a couple times but I doubt my best friend want me to leave her alone after this week."

"I understand." David said and we stopped in front of Thiago's.

"See you tomorrow." I said and he slowly leaned in and pecked my lips.

"Goodnight beautiful." David said and I just blushed.

"Night handsome." I exited the car and headed inside.

A long distance relationship is going to be hard.

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