- new organization
- Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia now separated
- Panic Attacks can be applied to any disorder
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder is unchangedAnxiety
- Negative mood, physical tension, unpleasant emotion
- future oriented mood sateFear
- reaction to dangerPanic
- instense fear or discomfort with physical symptoms1) Separation Anxiety Disorder
2) Selective Mutism
3) Specific Phobia
- irrational fear
- fear to something dangerous and not dangerous at all
- fears are unreasonable
a. Subtypes
a1. Animal Type
a2. Natural Environment Type
a3. Blood-Injection-Injury Type
a4. Situational Type
b. Causes
- experience traumatic event (happened to self or others)
- episode of panic attack
4) Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
- fear of social performance with unfamiliar people
- fear being scrunitized by othes
5) Panic Disorder
- panic attacks, avoidance of the situation
6) Agoraphobia
7) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- worrying about everything
- worrying is unproductive, cannot be controlled, cannot solve the problem
- causes can be biological and psychological
8) Substance/Medication Induced Anxiety Disorder
9) Anxiety Disorder due to Medical Condition
10) Other Specified and Unspecified Anxiety Disorders