Thirty Four: Where Are You

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Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin



I stop to hide behind a bush, and I peek over it to see that we are close to the door. This is perfect. Once the distracters do there thing then we-wait what the hell are they doing! Why aren't they doing what they are suppose to be doing? Balan is just standing there like a freaking sack of potatoes, and Vetis is yelling at my father who in fact is just laying on a rock posing. What the hell! Why are they distracting each other instead? Wait. This may still work, as Alistair may hear the ruckus and come out to investigate. I don't know why Balan isn't joining in, but maybe this isn't a part of there plan. Maybe, my father is just being lazy and Vetis is just letting her rage out. I wouldn't be surprised about that. Zakary pops up next to me and peeks over the bush at the noise, before raising his eyebrow at the scene. I glare at him as I push him back down, and I went back down behind the bush as well.

"What are you doing?" I hiss at him.

"Just looking." Zakary whispers to me.

"Stay hidden. Do not move until I say so! Got it?" I hiss at him.

"Yes. I get it." Zakary whispers annoyed.

I give him one last glare before peeking over the bush again, and my eyes widen when I see Alistair appear. The first thing he did is throw a fire ball at the distracters. They all managed to avoid in time, but I didn't expect him to attack right away. Why did he attack so soon? Did he have enough as well? It doesn't matter, he's out here and being distracted. It's time for us to sneak inside before he goes back-what the hell just happened? My father just disappeared! Where did he go and why did he leave? I clench my fists to my sides as I felt a growl back in my throat. He's going to ruin everything! I thought pissed. I've told him to follow my plan! Why isn't he and why did he-what the hell! My eyes widen when my father appeared behind Alistair before throwing six fireballs at him. No! He's ruining everything! My plan, it's not going to work if he-no! What are they doing! They are suppose to wait! Why are they coming out of there positions! No. No no no! Why are they doing this! I thought feeling mixture of emotions. This isn't how this is suppose to happen. The distracters didn't follow the plan, the sneak attackers aren't following it either! No is following my plan! They are going to get Cordelia killed! My eyes widen in horror, as a sudden thought filled my mind. Maybe that's what they want, maybe that's what they are trying to do. I felt my left eye start to flinch as I felt my fists tightly closed. I felt them heating up, and I knew that my fire magic came out of my fists. I then felt someone tap me on my shoulder and I spun so fast that I knocked them down to the ground. I start to clam down when I realize it's Chax, and I notice that I just burned him on his shoulder.

"Sirius, are you okay?" Chax asks as he examines his shoulder.

"Okay? How can I be okay when everyone is ruining my plan." I hiss lowly.

"I know it looks bad, okay maybe really bad but your plan could still work. They have him distracted, he's fighting them. Now you guys can go and find Cordelia." Chax tells me.

"I-" I start to say but Chax puts his hand on my shoulder in a comfortable manner.

"Don't worry man. They didn't follow the plan, but at least Alistair is out of the building and now is your chance to sneak in and save Cordelia." Chax explains to me.

I nod to him before I glance back at the scene that's unfolding behind me. Ayperos has burnt marks on him, but he's still fighting while everyone is fighting as best as they can. Alistair looks pissed as his eyes are glowing, and he's shooting fireballs and flames everywhere. The woods is slowly going up in flames from all of the fire that's being thrown, but it's quickly spreading. I knew I'm running out of time. I turn back to everyone else to see that Chaz's burnt mark has healed. He then gives me a smile before he went charging into the battlefield. I watch him as he leaves, and I knew we need to get going before these woods go up into flames.

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