Would You Hate Me?? (MJ FF)

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I can't tell you how upset this makes me. Out if the billions of people in the world to give this wretched gift to, it it given to me. Why me?! Why the girl who so longs for a normal life?! The one who dreams for a lovely little family of her own one day? I let a tear slide down my face as I imagined all of this. I sat on my bed Indian style, in my pajama's, remembering last night. "I thought he was the one. . . ." I whispered, the tears now pouring down my face. The air grew colder, and I knew one of them was here. "Are you OK?" I heard a voice say. "I-" I tried to wipe the tears away. "No, no I'm not." I looked up. It was a little girl, with curly brown hair up in pigtails and the cutest little smile, that faded away when she saw my sad face. "You can see me?" She asked, surprised. I nodded, more tears falling down my face. "Oh, it's okay Miss. Please don't cry." She sat next to me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I shivered under the cold of her arms, but smiled. "My name's Carrie, what is yours?" "I'm Alexa, it's very nice to make your acquaintance Carrie." I said with a smile. Carrie giggled. I let out a laugh. Sometimes I feel as though my gift is a curse, but other times it is a blessing. I get to meet sweet people like Carrie, and then I meet others who are angry, and upset. "Why are you crying?" Carrie asked me, trying her hardest to cheer me up. I sighed. "How old are you, Carrie?" "I'm 9." She responded. "Have you ever fallen in love, Carrie?" She nodded. "I fell in love with a boy my age named Johnny, but he was a meanie. He'd push me everyday at school." She said with a pouty face, crossing her arms. "Well, I met my Johnny about 3 months ago, and last night. . . ." I sighed. "I thought he truly loved me, and that it would be okay to tell him about my gift, my secret. But when I told him. . . ." I let more tears fall down my face. "He pushed you too?!" Carrie cried. I let out a laugh through my tears. "Yes, Carrie, in ways, the Johnny I fell for pushed me." Carrie looked mad. "I knew he was a jerk! I knew it!" I laughed again, wiping away my tears. "Where is he now?" Carrie asked. I chuckled. "Not sure. He left Carrie, he is no longer a problem." Carrie nodded. I looked outside. The air was cool, but warm. "Carrie," I said, "Would you like to come on a walk with me?" She nodded excitedly. "Oh, yes!" I laughed. "Okay, just wait outside the door while I change." Carrie nodded, and walked out the door into the hallway. I closed my door and changed into a pair of skinny jeans, a black long sleeved shirt, and black boots. I brushed my long brown hair and put on some blush to cover up my puffy and red cheeks. I put on a beanie and pulled out my jacket, putting it on. I stepped out into the hallway. Carrie was looking at the pictures on the wall, the ones of me and David. My Johnny. I held back tears. Carrie turned to me and smiled. "You look beautiful Miss!" She cried. I laughed and said, "Thank you Carrie." "Your welcome." She smiled. I made sure I had my phone with me, because if not, I really would look crazy! But I'm not. Not at all. I put my phone to my ear and opened the door, stepping outside. Carrie skipped out, and I chuckled. Carrie and I walked down the sidewalk, and with my phone to my ear, it seemed as though I were talking to the person at the other end of the phone. Carrie and I laughed and talked, and for once in a long time, I was happy. Happy with my gift. We walked past many little cafe's and stores, and we were near a little bakery when I heard, "Why hello, what's a pretty little thing like you doing out here all alone?" Oh no. That didn't sound good. Even though I was afraid of what I would see, I turned around. 3 different guys covered in tattoos, all surrounded me. "Shit..." I whispered. "Miss?" Carrie asked. They began to take steps toward me, and I took steps back, unitl my back ran into the wall. Two of the guys quickly ran ot my sides and grabbed my arms, holding them tightly. "No!" I cried, thrashing around violently, trying to get out of their grasps. "Miss!" Carrie cried, running to my side and pulling at my arm, trying to help me. "It's no use Carrie, they can't see you. They don't think you exsist." I told her. "You have to let me help!" She cried. The other guy walked up to me, and started touching my thigh. That pushed me over. "HELP!!" I screamed. "HELP, RAPE!!!!" "Shut up!" The guy whispered harshly, slapping me. Hard. My cheek burned and felt numb. Tears were at the brim of my eyes, about to roll down my face. "HEY!!" Carrie screamed at the guy who slapped me. "Hitting a girl is against the law and not nice at all!! Has your mother taught you ANY manners?!?!?!" "Carrie, that won't stop him!" "I have to try!!" She cried, tears rolling down her sweet face. It pained me to see this young girl cry. "SOMEONE PLEASE, HELP ME!!!" I screamed again, hoping and praying someone would here. "I said SHUT UP!!" The guy yelled. "MAKE ME YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD!!" "Why you. . . . .-" "HEY!! Get away from her!" A voice yelled. Everyone, even Carrie looking in the direction of which the voice came from. A man, wearing a black jacket and a fedora, began walking our way. Everyone was surprised, except for me and Carrie. I pulled at the grip the two other men had on my arms. The man was almost here. I just need to get away. . . . . With one final pull, I got one arm free. "Hey-" "Let her go." The other man said, his voice oddly familiar. The other guy who held onto my arm let go, his eyes wide. "You 3, BEAT IT!" He yelled. They took off running, practically tripping over one another to get away. Why is that? Did they know him? He seemed familiar to me. "Are you alright?" He asked me, and I got to see his face. Chocolate brown eyes, amazing hair. . . . . Where did I know him from?? "Uh, yes, I am. Thank you." I said, putting a small smile on my face. He smiled. "Are you sure?" He said, tenderly touching my cheek where I'd been slapped. I winced, even though his touch sent tingles down my spine. He pulled his hand away. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" Guilt clouded in his eyes. He thought he hurt me. "No, no you didn't. I'm just a little sore. . ." Carrie stood next to me, looked at the man, and said, "He's cute! Miss, don't you think so?" "I will admit Carrie, he is indeed cute." I told her. She giggled. "Oh. . . What's your name?" "Alexa." I responded. "Alexa. . . . . Pretty name." I felt my cheeks get warmer. He blushed lightly. He's shy, just like me. "I'm Michael." He said. Michael. . . . . WAIT! "Wait a second. . . . Are you. . . . . .?" He laughed. "If you mean Michael Jackson, then yep, that's me." Michael smiled. "Wow. . . . Man, does that make me feel stupid." Michael laughed again. "You aren't stupid." "Oh really, I'm not?" I rose my eyebrow. He laughed yet again. I laughed. "Well Alexa, are you busy tonight?" "No." "Maybe we could go on a date later, watch a movie, eat some dinner. . . ." "That sounds like a lot of fun. Sure, I'd be glad to." I smiled. He smiled widely. "Okay! Let me walk you home, just so I know where to pick you up from." I nodded and smiled. Carrie was smiling.  "I think he likes you Miss! He could be your Romeo and your Juliet!" "I think your right Carrie. . . . I think your right."


Did you enjoy this first chapter to Would You Hate Me?? I really hope so! Did you figure out what Alexa's gift it? Don't be ashamed if you didn't, it's not that big of a deal. Do you want me to say? I don't really want to. . . . . But if you guys want me to I will! Leave a comment if you enjoyed this first chapter, and next one will be up soon! Also vote and share while your at it!! Thanks, and keep Moonwalking! 

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