Since When?!?!?!

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I woke up to a loud crash. I shivered and looked at the clock. 2 AM. Great. . . I really wanted to know what that noise was. It was raining too, and it was cold. I looked around. I didn't dare take the blanket, my shirt was too far away to grab, so the only thing I could use was; Mike's shirt. I picked it up. It was long, went to about my knees, white, and a button up long sleeved shirt. 'What the hell?' I thought. I slipped the shirt on, buttoned it up, and looked at myself in the mirror real quick. I was right; It went to my knees. I smiled slightly before looking at the door. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the cuffs on the shirt in my fists and crossed my arms. Then I walked to the door and pushed it open with my foot. I looked back really quick, and Mike was sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up. We were already both exhausted. I padded out into the hallway. Nothing. Another crash. Coming from the kitchen. I mentally sighed. I've had enough with demons in kitchens. They're playing with all the dangerous things. "Miss!" A voice whispered behind me, causing me to jump. I whipped my head around, and there stood Carrie. She was trembling. "Miss, go back to the room. She is here. And she wants you to know that." "Hiding from her won't make her go away, Carrie." "I know. ." "Come with me, we'll be detectives." I whispered to her. Her eyes lit up. "Okay!" She whispered, smiling widely. I smiled, and whispered, "Come on, follow me." I quietly walked down the hallway to the stairwell, and peered downward. Things were flying around in the kitchen, and flying out into the living room. I sighed quietly and turned to Carrie. "Is there possibly a quick and easy way we can get her to go away?" I whispered. Carrie thought long and hard, and I watched her anxiously. "Well-" Carrie was cut off by a loud shrieking noise. Her eyes went wide. "She knows Miss, she knows." "Knows what Carrie?" She only stared at me, a horrified on her face. "Carrie?"  I whispered, tilting my head at her. Suddenly, there was a tug on my hair. Surprised, I whipped my head around. Nothing was there. I let out a gentle sigh before turning back around. Staring right at Demon Lady. I screamed in surprise, stumbling backward. She quickly reached out and grabbed a fistful of my hair, yanking me closer to her. I yelped in pain. "Help me," She rasped, "Help me reunite with him!" Him?? What? "W-W-What?" I stammered, trembling. Carrie stared at us, terrified. "Mister!" She shrieked, in hopes of getting Mike's attention. "MISTER!!!" "SILENCE!!!" Demon Lady screamed, causing Carrie to shrink back. "I-I can't h-help you if you d-don't tell me who." I said as calmly as possible. Demon Lady stared at me with cold eyes. Suddenly, she burst into laughter. Cold, evil, bone-chilling laughter. "You think I'll make it that simple? Why, little Carrie over there didn't even TELL you what she wanted and you helped her. It's up to YOU to find out!" She said in a cold voice. I trembled. What am I getting myself into? "Alexa? Carrie? What's going on out there?" I heard Mike call. My eyes went wide. Demon Lady made a growl like noise. "See what YOU did?!" She said to Carrie, turning to face her. Carrie shrunk back more, terrified. Demon Lady glared at her. "I'll have to make you suffer now." My eyes went wide. "No, please, don't hurt Carrie!" "Who said I was hurting Carrie?" She said with a smirk. Suddenly, she grasped my hair tighter and gave a hard yank. I screamed in pain. "NO!" Carrie cried, running towards us. "Please, hurt me. Not her!" Carrie yelled, tears pouring from her eyes. "NO! You must watch your friends suffer for what you did!" She screamed back. "Alexa!" Mike yelled, running to the stairwell. Demon Lady laughed evilly, then jumped over the railing, dragging me with her to the living room. I screamed louder, tears rolling down my face from the pain. She yanked at my hair tighter, sending skiddering across the room, and I ran into a wall. "AHH!!" I screamed out, a horrid pain spreading from my back where I got hit. "WHEN THE FUCK DID THIS BECOME THE CONJURING?!?! ALEXA!!" Mike shouted at the top of his lungs, running down the stairs at the speed of light. Demon Lady continued laughing evilly, before vanishing out of thin air. I struggled to sit up from the ground I was on, and Mike ran to my side. "Oh God Alexa, are you okay? Does anything hurt?" "Yeah. . But I'll be fine." "You sure?" "Pretty sure, I'll only have a bruise." "Okay. . .Do you think anything is broken?" "No." "Okay. . Thank God your okay." Mike pulled me close to him, holding me. He wiped away the tears from my cheeks, and I looked up, noticing Carrie curled up in a ball, sobbing. "Carrie-" "NO!! Please, don't talk to me! I'm a monster, I'm a bad person, and only cause people to get hurt." "CARRIE ANNE, COME DOWN HERE PLEASE!!!" Carrie looked surprised that I rose my voice that high, but obidiantly walked down the stairs. "Carrie, you are no monster, and you are not a bad person." "Yes I am! I-I let her hurt you Miss, and I did nothing about it. . ." "Yes, you did. And it was a very brave move to try and take the pain away from me." "B-but-" "No buts. You did your best, and I'm proud." "I am too." Mike said, smiling at Carrie. She let out a small smile and ran towards us, embracing us in a big hug. I noticed Mike shiver, since he wasn't really wearing a shirt. I chuckled, and wrapped my arms around Mike. He smiled. "Thought you might need some warming up." I whispered to him, gently pecking him on the cheek. He smiled again and kissed my forehead gently. "Thanks." He said. "AWWWWW!!!!!!" Carrie squealed. I chuckled. Mike yawned. "I think its time we went back to sleep." I mumbled, snuggling closer to him. He nodded. "Yeah. . ." He said, picking me up. "Goodnight guys. . . ." Carrie said, vanishing. "Night. . ." I mumbled, before drifting off to sleep in Mike's arms.

Hey! Sorry it took so long for the update, I thought it would be up yesterday, but then wi-fi gave out, and then I went to my BFF's house, and, yeah. . . Sorry guys.

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