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Carrie fixed up my hair. I could still hear the demon screaming, "Help me!!" But with what? What did it want me to help it with? Then another question flashed through my mind, making all the other questions seem useless; WHAT was that? I shuddered. "Miss, please don't worry about that thing, you should be looking forward to your date!" Carrie squealed, doing a little dance from happiness. I let out a laugh. "Sometimes Carrie, you are just too cute!" Carrie giggled. "Thank you Miss." She said with the most adorable smile. I laughed. Then another question flashed through my mind, one completely off the subject I had been thinking about. "Carrie, I know this is something you don't like to remember, but. . . . How did you die?" Carrie stopped smiling. "I-I, me and Mommy were driving back from my dance recital. I was smiling, so happy. Then a car next to us ran into us, causing us to run into a street lamp, a-and I hit my head really hard on the window. 2 men in uniform ran out of an amberlence and put me on this bed sorta thingy. They pulled me up into the amberlence and I could see Mommy crying. I tried to tell her to stop, that I was fine, but I couldn't say anything." I felt tears sliding down my face, and I looked at Carrie. She was crying. "T-The men said lots of things I didn't understand, but I do remember them saying, 'She's loosing too much blood!' When we got to the hospital, they looked at me with sad faces, and called my mother in, and she ran to my side and started sobbing, 'Carrie, come back. Please come back.' And I sat down next to her and said, 'Mommy stop crying, I'm right here!' But she ignored me!" The tears were now pouring down Carrie's face. "Oh Carrie, I'm so sorry I asked." I said, pulling Carrie into me for a hug. She sobbed on my shoulder, and I couldn't help but shiver. "Shh, Carrie, it's okay, it's okay. . . . " I cooed, trying to stop the poor girl's crying. "I-I just want to see M-Mommy again." She sobbed. "I know Carrie, I know." I cooed again. Carrie's sobs soon faded. "I-I'm sorry Miss." "It's fine Carrie." "Here, you need to fix your make-up. . . ."

I had just picket up my jacket and purse when there was a knock at the door.  "Coming!" I called. Carrie beat me to the door and peered out. Then frowned. "That isn't Mister!" I laughed lightly and opened the door. And then regret opening it. Drake, my landlord, stood at the door, arms crossed, eyes narrowed. Drake has tried multiple times to get me off this property. But I won't budge. "What do you want this time? Are you gonna bribe me off this property now?" I snapped, crossing my arms. Drake laughed harshly. "No, of course not! I came here with a court order evicting you from this property!" "WHAT?!" I cried. He laughed harshly again. "WHAT THE HELL IS SO FUNNY?! I HAVE NO WHERE ELSE TO STAY?!" I shrieked. This man, I swear, is mental. Unstable, if you may. "You haven't paid your rent for the past year." Drake said with a sly smile. I stared at him, my face practically screaming, 'What the hell are you talking about?! I pay my rent every month!!' "T-That's impossible. I pay my rent, every month." "That's not what this court order says. 3 days, Alexa. 3 days to pack up all your junk and get your sorry ass off my property." Drake laughed harshly again, turned, and walked away. And I stood in my doorway, leaning against my doorframe, wishing to scream one more time, "WHAT?!"


I am on a ROLL. And guess what?! I have been working extra hard and am trying to make a 2nd chapter to put up today!! Please do leave your honest opinions in the comments below, and I'm just curious; How many cried during this chapter?? I was a freaken' river writing this. I had to stop for 5 minutes to calm down!! But still, enjoy!!! :D

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