7. Gotham Gazette!

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I left my bedroom, dagger and book in hand, and locked it. I walked into the dining room to notice that Theo was talking to the boys, his back towards me. Jerome noticed me and winked at me. The others were practically drooling over me.

"So I want you to go down to the port and kidnap these men. Then I want one of you to steal the oil truck. That would be you Aaron. Aaron? Any of you?" He turned around, "My, my. I guess you like the room I have for you?" Theo asked me. "Yes, I love it! How did you know my colour scheme?" I pondered. "Just thought they would be nice colours." He joked. I laughed a little. I walked over to the boys and stood next to Jerome. "Hey gorgeous, you look ravishing!" He whispered in my ear and I blushed. "As I was saying, Aaron I need you to steal the oil truck that is full of gasoline and park it somewhere secluded. With the men, I want you to make a statement. Show the world who you are!" Theo exclaimed, using jazz hands for the last bit. "I think I have a plan!" I spoke up, they all turned their heads towards me. "Go on Kira, explain to us your plan." Theo said, curiosity in his voice. "We all want to make the headlines don't we?" I asked, emphasising on the word 'headlines'. Jerome suddenly got the idea that I was hoping they would figure out. "I think what she's trying to say is that we go to the roof of the Gotham Gazette and make our mark on the world!" He exclaimed. The others looked at each other, nodding in agreement. I looked over to Galavan and he gave me a smile and a thumbs up.

"Since you introduced this plan Kira, I want you to go and get positioned on the roof of the Gotham Gazette and wait for the others. They will come shortly." He informed me. I nodded, gave Jerome a kiss on the nose and waved to the others before setting off to my room. I unlocked the door and headed over to my vanity desk to grab a small black backpack. I stuffed my dagger, 2 books, a pistol inside of the bag. I headed out of my room and locked the door. I decided to head to Theo, who was talking to Jerome. "Theo?" I asked. He looked at me. "Yes, Kira?" He replied. "Can I have some cash? I need to pick up a few things from the shop." I questioned him. He nodded, pulled out his wallet then handed me a hundred dollars. "Knock yourself out kiddo!" I looked at him in awe and then walked out waving to them whilst not looking at the two.

As I headed for the exit of Theo's place, I placed sunglasses on my eyes. It wasn't that sunny but I needed it to cover my identity. I walked in to the shop, grabbing a few bags of sweets and a few cans of pop, then I headed to the arts store near Gotham Gazette. I got some red spray paint for our main entrance, then I got a few sketch pads, pencils and pens so that I could draw ideas down whilst I'm not doing anything at Theo's place. I payed for the stuff, then headed for the roof of Gotham Gazette.

Half an hour had flown by and I was too concentrated in designing new clothing ideas to notice that the boys had arrived. Jerome was the first to arrive on the roof and as soon as he arrived, he came over to me. I was sat by the wall that guarded the edge, surrounded in my own comforts. Jerome came and sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "We're ready." He whispered in my ear. With out looking at him, a smile crept onto my face. I stood up and kissed his cheek. "Where are the kidnapped ones?" I look at him and he pointed at the rest of the boys with 7 hostages, that were tied up in straight jackets and their faces were wrapped up in a kind of cloth.

I reached into my bag and got the red spray paint. "Care to do the honours, Jerome?" I handed him the can and he started spraying letters on the individuals, leaving one free. I sat on the wall of the edge of the building, digging into some skittles. I felt a presence next to me and saw that Jerome was sitting there. Aaron was chucking the innocents down on the pavement below us and as soon as I heard screaming I laughed. I couldn't wait to wreak havoc on all of Gotham. Below us the bodies were spelling out a word - MANIA--. "Perfect! Next! Mr. X!" I ordered and Mr. X came up to the edge and then was chucked down to the ground by Aaron. Now it spelt - MANIAX - but it needed something. "What shall we do with the spare?" Dobkins asked us. Jerome and I turned around. "Oh! I know." I jumped down from the ledge and got the spray can. I drew an exclamation mark on the mans body and looked back at my art. "Aaron," I asked with a smile that could send shivers down the spine, "would you kindly?" He Picked the guy up over his shoulders and chucked him off of the roof. I skipped happily back to Jerome's side and laughed. I looked over the edge of the building and noticed that there were people crowding round the dead bodies. "Maniax." Aaron read out dumbly. Jeez, he can read! "Heh," Jerome giggled, "Now that's a headline! Haha!" He laughed loudly so people below us would scream out in pain and fear. I love seeing people tremble before us!

We decided to head back to Theo's place, which was only a couple of buildings north of us. I had my rucksack on my back filled with all of my belongings and the change of the money that Theo kindly gave me. I walked hand in hand with Jerome, behind the others, popping in and out of the alleyways making sure that no one could notice us. "I guess we are called the Maniax! then! Great name by the way, Jerome." I complimented him. He just smiled at me and kissed my forehead. We walked inside of Theo's apartment and I took Jerome with me, to my room. I unlocked the door and went to place my bag in my wardrobe. I took out the things inside it first, then I chucked it in the wardrobe. I didn't notice until a few minutes after I entered the room, Jerome was in awe and shock. "Like what'cha see?" I asked. He nodded, his jaw hanging open. "Its a beauty, isn't it?" Again no words came out of his mouth. I cupped his cheeks in my hands and looked into his eyes. "Because we are out of Arkham, and we are together, I thought that I should cook tea for only us tonight? Say it will be our first date?" I asked. He stepped closer, our faces inches away from each other. "I'd like that." He ended up saying. I closed the gap between us, kissing him on the lips. "I need you to get ready for about 6:30." I said when I pulled away. I looked at the wall clock above my vanity - 5:15. I had enough time. "I need you to dress smartly as well, and no funny tricks! I will ask Galavan if we can have the area secluded to ourselves, then we can enjoy the tranquillity." I said whilst shooing him out of the room. I locked my bedroom door and went to see Galavan.

I walked into his study, seeing he was alone. "Hello Theo, I've come here to ask you if Jerome and I can have the dining/kitchen space to ourselves from around 6:30-ish. We are planning to have our first date tonight and I thought of cooking for him." I asked. He got up from his desk and pulled something out of one of the draws. "This is a key to lock the space off. I will give you two until 9 to have your date. Enjoy Kira." He walked over and handed me the keys. "Thanks Theo!" I hugged him quickly then ran off towards the kitchen. I decided to rummage around in the cupboards, finding nothing but pasta and pasta sauce. "Guess it's pasta bake then!" I sighed to my self. I looked at what time it was on the oven. 5:20. Enough time. I looked for things for dessert and noticed that Theo had all the ingredients in to make a non-alcoholic tiramisu. Perfect! I started to make the tiramisu first. That took me 25 minutes. I put it in the fridge to set, whilst I started on the pasta bake. 'That will take 45 minutes to bake' I thought to myself. I looked at the time 5:50. Time to get ready.

I walked back to my room, locking the door to the kitchen and dining space and unlocked the door to my room. I rushed to my walk in wardrobe and looked at the silk dresses. I found a dark emerald green dress. It was an off shoulder sleeved dress, that flowed out just above the knees. I put it on and it fitted like a glove. I matched it with amethyst encrusted stilettos and a sapphire gemmed necklace. I put my ginger locks into a side braid that came down my right shoulder. I did my eye make up with a purple smokey eye and a black lip. I looked perfect. I looked at the clock - 6:20. I rushed to the kitchen and waited for Jerome. I was so excited.

Crazy? Don't think I am. (Gotham X OC)Where stories live. Discover now