~Chapter Twenty-One~

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A/N: Pleeeeease listen to 'Scientist' and 'Us Agaist the World', both by Coldplay, as you're reading this chapter. It makes it 10x better, I promise.


            Maybe it was the adrenaline, or maybe it was just the music pumping through my veins. Either way, things were happening that probably shouldn’t be. Yet I did not one thing to make those things stop.

            “Just like that?” Mason asked, his eyebrows rising, after watching my attempt at teaching him a dance. I nodded. He simply shrugged and took my hands. He wasn’t the best dancer, but he caught on quick. It was impressive how he learned the moves that quickly.

            The front of the crowd was primarily dancing couples. Within itself, the crowd was great. We moved in sync with the beat of the drums, including the few times he stepped on my feet. As soon as we began to dance, he had made the comment that he ‘knew I could dance better than that’. He was right.

            “That’s it!” I exclaimed. He grinned, taking the lead of the dance. My smile only grew. With no warning, he threw me into a dip, causing me to squeal. His laugh echoed around me.

            “That scared me!” I yelled whilst being pulled back up. The song began to come to a close around us, and it was soon yet another slow song. His wicked grin was there once more.

            “Ah, looks like we’re dancing together once more,” He taunted. My eyes rolled, but there was a small smile on my face. It was always there.

            As we slowly rocked back and forth, my thoughts drifted around with my eyes locked on his face. I was unbelievably appreciative of the way he’d taken my mind off of everything in just under twenty minutes. So little time, only it was so much more. My eyes trailed from his face over to the water of the ocean, with the light of the stars and the moon dancing upon the waves.

            “It’s beautiful,” He commented. My head nodded in agreement. The time must’ve been nearly ten or eleven; it was late. Even so, I had no aspiration to return home.

            As the song faded, the members of the band began to state their departures.

            “Thank you, you’ve been such an amazing crowd tonight!” The singer enthusiastically raved. Cheers were to follow. Slowly, after a few more words spoken, they left the stage. Following that, the crowd began to disperse around us.

            My eyes followed the people that were slowly beginning to leave, before turning back to Mason who stood in front of me.

            “I guess this is goodbye,” I pinched my lips together.

            “It doesn’t have to be,” He challenged. My eyebrows rose in response. “It’s only eleven, dear, and I know the night’s not over for myself,” He paused, a pleasant smirk gracing his features. “And I hope it’s not over for you, either,”

            “I…I don’t know,” I sighed, biting my lip. As much as I wanted my distraction, as much as I needed it, the punishment for leaving the house awaited me. Sooner or later, I would have to deal with it.

            “Come on, what’ll it hurt?” He asked, holding his hand out. It was déjà vu, the similar events had happened only a mere half an hour ago. And they made me just as happy.

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