Mild cursing
It's not that you were careless with your life, if anything you didn't feel the need to die yet. You wanted to see what you were going to do with your life before making any stupid decisions. Of course that's not always the way that life played out, especially if you're scatter-minded at times. You were trying to cross the road one day, you swore you looked both directions and even had the light to walk, but that didn't seem to be true as you froze dead in your tracks with a large truck hurtling at you way faster than it probably should have been on said road.
Not only had your body froze, but so did your mind. The only thing you could think about was what the afterlife would be like. Even the alarmingly loud honks coming from the truck couldn't seem to wake you from your stance. You seemed to wake up as soon as you hit the ground though. Snapping into some form of awareness you attempted to get up, only to feel a weight on your chest. "Oh my god I really am going to die aren't I?" Almost as soon as you said that, the weight from your chest lifted, revealing a rather good looking man.
"If you keep laying there you will, now get up and get off the road."
In your mind you were calling the man rude, but then again he did kind of save your life. So you decided to see if there was anything you could do for him to make up for it. Keeping your eyes on the redheaded figure that was retreating into the crowd as you got up, you quickly ran over to him the moment you were back on your own two feet. "Uh, excuse me, is there at least anything I can do for you?"
"You got off the road, that's all I needed."
"Can I at least take you our for a meal or something?"
"Only if you can learn to keep your mouth shut."
"Excuse me? I get that you just saved my life and all, but no need to be a bitch about it when I'm asking if there's anything I could do in return."
"If you're getting so frustrated about it, then no, there isn't anything you can do for me," he responded keeping a cold look on his face. His eyes never seemed to falter, even when you got mad at him.
"Can I at least have your name and number for if you think of anything that I can do for you?"
"I said no, now leave me alone."
"Good god, just accept my kindness."
"It almost sounds like you're just begging for my number."
"Oh my god! If I was begging for your number I wouldn't be trying to get anything out of you other than your damn number!" You then took a small piece of paper and pen out of your pocket and wrote your own number on it. Knowing it wouldn't cause any harm to the man, you threw it at him and stormed off not actually expecting him to pick it up. But he did, and then stuffed it in his own pocket after looking it over.
After that, walking back to the headquarters was peaceful if you don't mind the sounds of the city, or the sun reflecting into your eyes off various of objects, or even the scent for that matter. But for this man, he couldn't expect any more or any less from the city. If anything he was surprised to see you so dead set in your ways, but it was rather amusing to him which is why he kept refusing. A few times his emotions almost broke through to his face, but he somehow manages to pull off his straight face the whole time. It was rather hard not to laugh when you threw your number at him and then stormed off like he was the one pestering you for it only for you to give in last moment.
He found the whole scene comical, even if to others it was just more annoying noise in their lives. It was something he might actually look for again, just to see how you would react in different situations. That or he was trying to deny himself of finding interest in someone outside of their skills or talents. Because that's exactly what he had done to get where he was in life currently. Studied others for their skills, took them under his wing if he saw fitting, and then building his own gang out of it. He didn't quite like to think of himself as a mafia leader, but the few who knew of his group had called it the mafia, and he had no patience to actually deny said claims, so he let the name stick. The NCT Mafia.

Guns and Roses || Taeyong (NCT) x Reader || Mafia AU || Gender Neutral
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