| Coffee | Chapter 3 |

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The morning of the coffee run that Taeyong had invited you to, he was getting ready as he usually would, not thinking much of this coffee run other than getting more reactions out of you. He had previously told the second in command, Johnny, that if the coffee run took longer than usual there was no need to worry. After some questioning looks, and actual questions, Taeyong explained he decided to take you up on your offer by getting you to help with the coffee run.

Due to previously attempting to go on said morning run, Johnny knew it was no cup of tea, but yet Taeyong managed to do it flawlessly every time it was his turn to go. Johnny was glad he'd have help for once, but he knew that wasn't at all the reason Taeyong decided to bring you along. He was expecting to at least meet you at some point now that Taeyong had actually decided to talk to you.

Although that didn't matter much to Taeyong, he did want to try to keep you away from his line of work if at all possible. To him you were just a random person who he saved, a person who's reactions amused him, a person helping him one time. Although he said that he might call you again to help with coffee runs, he didn't plan to at all. He saw no point in troubling you, knowing how he could do it alone.

After he had ended the call on you a few nights ago, you had texted him the name and address of a coffee shop that you enjoyed. Little did you know that it was the one he usually went to for the coffee runs anyway, making it easier on the both of you. By the time he had gotten there, a good five minutes before the two of you had planned, only to see you sitting in a small booth enjoying your drink. The moment he walked in, you shot up to greet him, causing you to slam your legs on the underside of the table.

Not expecting it to happen, he actually let out a snicker before the cold look returned to his face. By the time you had gotten up and managed to get over to him, the person working the cash register had already input all the drinks into the system, having recognized Taeyong. It's not like they actually remembered the drinks, they had just written a list of what drinks and how many due to Taeyong coming so often.

The only difference was that you paid. This threw both Taeyong and the cashier off. Taeyong had only expected you to help carry the coffee, not pay for it too. Especially since it wasn't the cheapest, and there were so many different drinks. After you had finished paying, Taeyong looked over at you and said, "You really didn't have to do that. I know it's expensive, I could have paid for it."

"I just thought you were joking the other day when you said you were getting so many drinks, so I told myself that even if you did order 18 drinks that I'd still pay for them."

"You really didn't have to, but thanks I guess."

His eyes softened slightly as he said this, causing you to lose yourself in his eyes. He was attractive, and he knew it, but he didn't think he'd have this kind of effect on you too. You had gotten used to seeing the cold, stoic look on his face, so seeing even the slightest difference in his face caught you off guard. You were one to look someone in the eye as you were speaking to them, even if their gaze was cold as stone. So the moment that it warmed up, you got lost is his chocolate colored eyes.

Only snapping out of your trance as he waved his hand in front of your face, calling your name. "Hello? (Y/N)? Are you awake?"

"Sorry, zoned out, happens all the time."

Taeyong let out a sigh, "that's how you get yourself hurt or into trouble, be careful." He then started grabbing the drink holders after checking the kinds of coffee, and then counting he amount. "If you want to grab the last holder, go for it, if not I can manage. Thanks again for paying."

"I'll get it," you say, grabbing the drink holder, almost letting out a sound at the weight of it, not expecting it to actually weigh that much. You then gave him a look of confirmation, saying that you're ready to go.

"Are you sure you'll be able to carry that? It's no problem if I have to grab it."

"It's fine. How often do you do this? Do you do it alone every time?"

"Maybe three times a week? Sometimes more, but yea, I'm alone every time. I don't like bothering people if I don't need to."

"Oh, wow. Well I guess we should get started, don't want them to get cold."

And so the two of you went off, him leading the way and often looking back at you to make sure you were okay. At some point the two of you had to stop before crossing a road, you had dazed out, so he had to run back across the street to wake you from your stance. When he looked up at what you were looking at, it was just a flock of birds in the sky. From then on his just linked his arm with yours to make sure you didn't get left behind.

Guns and Roses || Taeyong (NCT) x Reader || Mafia AU || Gender NeutralWhere stories live. Discover now