The big exam

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Taylor POV
Today is the the exam if we get to go to the supernatural middle school or human middle school. Also this year they just made the first supernatural highschool. So this matter just more now. My dad pass before but my mom didn't pass. And the test is really hard. When the test started it would be hard. I know Annie wil passed it and I hope I do too. The start end in a hour and 30 minutes. And I can't wait for the result. Than my dad say hey Taylor I get a surprise for you and here it is. It is a black wolf pup. He say it lost his parents in a forest fired and he found the little guy. I say I will take good care of him.

What will you name him. I say Midnight. Okay than how was your test. It good I am waiting for my result tomorrow. The next day I get up brush my teeth wash my face. And put on some clothes. Wake up my parents. They do what they need to do and we get in the car. We drop off Paul at daycare. We go to my school. They drop me off in the front. I go in the school. That what I do everyday for school. The teacher say 60-100 will pass. I look st my grade and see that I had a 77 that good I wonder how Anne test was.

Anne POV
I look at my test 79 yes I passed I wonder how Taylor doing. After school I tell Taylor that I pass so did I she say than my parents come pick me up and I say I pass the test they say good Anne that awesome and we hug.

Taylor POV
Hey Taylor you know that Paul three right. Yea mom why. Well that all our kids in this family. Wait so you going to have another one. Yea Taylor. Okay and I pass my test so yea. Good for you Taylor say dad thanks now time to pick up Paul.

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