" you thought you could catch me?"
or || In which one teen age girl has life completely turn upside down because of one boy and all his drama. ||
( Twilight New Moon)
( Jacob...
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The brown curls flapped in the wind as the young brunette dashed around the front yard laughing with another black haired girl ,and a young boy who played without a care in the world. The three children playing tag running around while their fathers stood on the porch less than 200 feet away watching intensely, but also engaging in their own conversations.
" Alright well it's about time Bella and I headed home for the night before her mother kills me for having her out too late." Charlie announced as he patted both men on the back with a chuckle, before walking towards the ramp of the porch.
" Alright honey time to go home." The man announced to his daughter as her lip quivered upwards in disapprovement of his choice. The tears were already collecting in the six year old's eyes as she shook her head.
Before the child could run, Charlie dashed over and scooped her up in his arms before waving to the rest before heading towards their car.
" Once she's of age, she could be the most powerful wolf ever born." The young boy's father, Billy Black spoke softly to the other man on the porch as they watched over their children who played carelessly.
" With the right training and guidance she could be the hope we were all waiting on." The man whispered back trying to keep his voice down in case there were any piercing ears listening nearby.
" We have much to discuss, Jack. An old friend of mine informed me that there was a spotting of her mother coming up the coast. Maybe three days max from us." Billy cautioned the man beside him with worry laced in his words.
Jack's head snapped towards Billy in a heartbeat.
" Let's take this inside." He spoke in demand before turning towards the innocent children in the yard.
"Kids who wants to pick out a movie?" Jack shouted with fake happiness dripping off every word and a fake smile plastered on his face as he ushered the children into the living room.
That night after the Crescents returned home Jack began to pack everything they owned as fast as he could by himself without waking his daughter. By the next morning they were gone. Jack had packed up his truck and trailer and left what they had no need for before he grabbed the light of his life gently and high tailing it east. As far as he could from Forks washington.
Within a week the paired has settled in a new home of Richmond, Virginia hiding from their family's secrets.
Ten years later
The sound sound of the rocks hitting the back of the truck sounded like bliss as the duo drove down the long dirt road in the woods as the wind blew through her hair as it smacked her in the face. Her father watched with a smile as he drove is happiness. After ten years the Crescents had finally returned home after running. Reagan Crescent was ecstatic to be home. She laid on her arms while staring out the open window her head peering out into the air, feeling it crashed against her face, the smell of salt and trees surrounding her as she continued to take deep breaths liked she was running out of hair. The tip of her nose red from the harshness of the wind.
The young teenager had zoned out day dreaming of how people would react to her return.
' Would they even remember me?' She thought staring off into the blue sky that danced with white clouds.
The truck came to a holt as he dad stepped on the break. The girls head snapped up her vision being blocked by her child home as her face lite up in excitement as she quickly threw her seat belt off and snatching the keys out of her fathers hand and dashing out the truck and up the stairs of the house disappearing inside.
The man scuffed before climbing out the car. Looking up at the two story white ranch house surrounding by woods. It had a nice beautiful wrap around porch with two hanging swings on both sides and a beautiful garage attached by narrow hallway.
Jack slowly climbed up the stairs and into his house slowly shutting the front door behind him with a smile.