Chapter Seven

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Reagan talked to Leah inside of Emily's small house

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Reagan talked to Leah inside of Emily's small house. The pack decided with the threat of Victoria that they were going to skip school to watch the woods.

Leah and Reagan sat on small couch talking to themselves when Jacobs bike motor came into their line of hearing.

Reagan sucked her teeth as she smelt Bella's scent.

Bella nor Reagan had talked since the day at Jacobs. And Reagan decided to ignore Jacob as much as she could.

It hurt both of them because of their imprint bond but both parties ignored it.

Leah and Bella walked onto the porch to hear the boys teasing Jacob for his crush on Bella.

" I wish Bella would call."

" I wish Bella wouldn't call."

" Maybe I should call Bella."

" Maybe I should call Bella and hang up."

"Alright shut the fuck you pansies." Reagan growled clenching her fists as Leah snarled at the human girl.

" Bella this is Leah Clearwater. Harry's daughter." Jacob introduced Leah ignoring Reagan completely.

" If you're here to torture my best friend some more, feel free to let Mother Nature drag you out." Leah snarled.

Bella face looks hurt and taken back as Jacob sends them evil flares.

Reagan simply flicks him off.

" Hey Paul can I spend the night tonight?" Reagan asked Paul.

" Of course babygirl." Paul winked trying to mess with Jacob to make him mad.

Jacob growls at Paul.

Sam and Emily come out to see what the problem was but Sam knew as soon as he smelt Bella.

" Bella... hi, hey I was wondering when we'd see your face around here again..." Emily said as she forced a smile and an uncomfortable hug to the girl.

" Yeah, same here." Bella said awkwardly.

" Sam were good?" Jacob asked

" We're Good. She won't get passed me I'll kill her." Reagan simply said picking at her nails.

" So when did Reagan and Leah join the pack?" Bella asked curiously.

" Reagan first phased before me, um her dad was murdered by a bloodsucker because of her tribe, and The pack found her. Leah phased when her dad died and her brother Seth also phased. He's only fifteen. One of the youngest we've had. Sam keeps him home studying, but he chomping at the bit. Wish it was Reagan and Leah who'd stay at home." Jacob confessed.

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