" you thought you could catch me?"
or || In which one teen age girl has life completely turn upside down because of one boy and all his drama. ||
( Twilight New Moon)
( Jacob...
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Reagan impatiently walked backed and fourth thinking of all the ways the Cullen's knew her mother. She didn't even know her own mother, but yet they did.
Carlisle sightly frowned as he noticed the young girls sad eyes.
" Yes I knew your mother very well in fact." Carlisle said
" Well how do you know her?" Reagan quickly shot back prying for answers.
" Well dear i'm afraid you won't like the answer to that question."
" Don't tell me what I will and won't like! You don't know me." Reagan snarkly replied.
" Well Your mother ran around with the us as a child because her parents abandoned her once she had turned and she met your father here in Forks. She stayed once she had magically gotten pregnant with you, but after you were born the council interfered and took her. We haven't heard from her since." Carlisle said his voice quietly cracking near the end.
Reagan stood quietly before turning and bolting out the front door without skipping a beat.
She ran all the way to cliff were she jumped from. The dark haired girl took a deep breath in before bursting into tears. The cold water running down her cheeks as she choked out a sob before dropping to the ground.
Soft footsteps quietly echoed from somewhere near her. Her headed quickly snapped towards the sound before snarling with her her teeth out. The familiar sent of her imprint fulled her nose. She swiftly focused her vision back on the ground as more tears ran down her cheek.
" I saw you run this way and felt your pain. Where'd you go ray?" He asked softly as slowly moved to hold her.
The girl quickly buried her head into his chest to hide her tears. Her moment of weakness.
" I found out the truth about my mom." Reagan quietly said in a rush. " And?" The boy urged on.
" shes one of them. I have-e vampire venom running through my v-v-eins."
Jacob stood in complete shook not knowing how to act or respond.
Both of their doe eyes locked onto each other. No one said a thing all that could be heard were the sounds of their heavy breathing.
" Ray, no matter what's flowing through your veins it doesn't make you any less of the amazing person you are. You are Reagan Crescent a kickass wolf! You've never given up on me and i'll never give up you vampire or not." Jacob told the girl bending down to her level meeting her eyes again.
Reagan grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and ripped him down crashing her lips onto his.
They molded together in perfect sync like they were made for each other.
He brought his hand up to her face and cupped her cheek pulling her closer.
They both had a feeling of comfort in their chest like they were right where they were supposed to be.
He could taste the salty tears on her lips and it didn't bother him on bit.
Reagan sat on the ledge of the cliff letting to cold air nip at her nose as the wind blew in her face. The Burnette stared off into the distance caught inside her head completely unaware of the world around her.
The cape flowed off in the wind as the man approached the woman as she dazed off. The man pulled out a needle filled with grey liquid. Quickly and swiftly the man threw the needle with ease as the needle pierced into the girls skin.
Reagan felt a stinging sensation in her right shoulder. She snapped her head back to see behind her to only be met with darkness. The Burnette snapped her eyes shut as they rolled into the back of her head. Unable to keep her balance she leaned back.
The man watched as he reached out to try and grab her only being able to graze her arm as she plummeted backwards towards the cold harsh water.
After hours of searching the man dragged the soaking wet girl out of the water and onto the beach. He quickly heaved her up onto his shoulders and sped off into the darkness of the forest.
When Reagan opened her eyes she was met with with a foul smell and a harsh ground underneath her. Her head pounded and she felt like bricks had been tied to her and she was being weighed down. She attempted to bring her hand to her head, but they were bound by roped laced with wolves bane. Groaning she brought her hands to the temple of her head in attempt to relieve some of the pain she felt. After getting used to the dim light of the room she was bound in she took in her surroundings. The ground seemed to be covered in dirt and blood, chains locked onto each wall rusted and covered in blood.
Reagan could feel the warmth on her back of her neck. Dragging her hands through the back of her hair she was met with a warm sticky substance, she made a face bringing her hands back in front of her face. Her fingers were covered in blood. The warm sticky substance dripping off her fingers made her hunger in a way she had never felt before. Reagan had never felt like this in her life the way she loathed for a taste of her own blood. She screamed gripping her forehead as she rocks herself back and forth. The temptation so close on the tip of her tongue she wanted a taste. No she needed a taste. Her does eyes locked onto a sharp rock laying on the ground. She scurried to it as fast as she could. Reeking of desperation, she gripped the rock as hard as she could. Bringing it to her wrist, hands shaking. Doubt should she do this?
Just as she was gonna rip into her wrist and get a taste, the sound of shrieking metal filled the air causing her to shove her face onto the ground in a desperate attempt at blocking the sound racking in her head causing her ears to bleed.
A loud thud filled the room as the door slammed shut. Her throat burned and her nose flared as the smell of blood filled her nose, she drooled at the metallic sweet smell that made her mouth water.
Reagan jumped and made eye contact with a person on the ground not moving, but yet breathing, she could hear it. She rushed forward and went straight for her neck drinking as much as she could not even coming up for air.