" you thought you could catch me?"
or || In which one teen age girl has life completely turn upside down because of one boy and all his drama. ||
( Twilight New Moon)
( Jacob...
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Over the next couple weeks Reagan hung out with the pack more and more, but she still made time for Jacob and Quil.
Bella had been coming around a lot but it was mainly to see Jacob.
It didn't take long for Reagan to see that Jacob was still in love with Isabella Swan.
Yet Jacob was still blind to see the girl who had a small crush on her best friend.
What made her mad was Bella was stringing him along. Even if she couldn't make him happy she wanted him to still be happy.
Reagan had yet to develop her gift. Which made her a little sad.
Bella called to invite Reagan to see Face Punch with her and her friends which included Jacob too.
Reagan looked in her full length mirror to see how she looked.
She wore a simple crop top and skinny jeans with vans.
Her hair was down and straight.
Seeing as she looked good she grabbed her keys and left.
She drove to Port Angeles. Reagan pulled into the movie theater parking lot to see both Mike and Jacob following Bella like puppies.
She slowly grabbed her things exited the car. She shoved her keys,phone and wallet into her hoodie pocket before walking to ticket booth and getting her ticket.
Seeing as they already meant in the screening room Reagan walked by herself into the theater.
Both by were sitting on either side of Bella talking to her so quietly Reagan sat next to Jacob seeing as she barely new Mike.
Jacob was so busy getting Bella's attention he didn't notice Reagan sitting there.
Eventually the lights dimmed to signal the movie was starting, so Bella told both boys to shut the fuck up.
Reagan laughed to herself and turned the movie.
" Oh shit Reagan you scared me." Jacob said laughing catching the attention of both Bella and Mike.
" So hey Reagan." They both greeted before turning to the movie.
During the first part of the movie Reagan watched the bad graphics and kept sneaking glances at Jacob, but he was looking at Bella.
About half way through Mike took off holding his stomach.
The trio silently left going to check on Bellas friend.
Bella rushed in after leaving Jacob and Reagan waiting by the stairs.
" How long were sitting next to me earlier?" Jacob asked curiously.