Chapter Ten

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Reagan jolted up with sweat beads falling from her forehead with a loud gasp

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Reagan jolted up with sweat beads falling from her forehead with a loud gasp. The events from her fight flooded into head. The brown haired hair girl took notice of her surroundings.

She looked to the foot of her head to see a shirtless Emery laying on his stomach, Sam laying belly up with his limbs sticking out of the chair. And Jacob laying asleep on the floor.

The girl gave a soft chuckle before slowly pulling the couch pillow out from under Emery and beaming it at Sam. Reagan quickly laid back down acting as if she didn't do a thing.

Emery jumped up and resulted in him falling on the floor on top Jacob and Sam head snapped up so fast the chair went toppling over with him still inside.

Reagan couldnt hold her laughter in which resulted in an ugly series of laughs to take over the room.

"Reagan!" all three boys coursed at the same time.

"shh dog boys." Reagan muttered flipping on her side.

Sam wasted to time pulling the lanky girl into a bone crushing hug.

" ahhh get off me you wet mutt!" Reagan screeched waving her limbs around smacking Emery upside the head by accident.

"Hey! That hurt." The boy muttered rubbing the back on his hand roughly trying to numb the pain.

" oh suck it up mutt I got my ass handed to me by a vampire."  Reagan groaned flopping back onto the bed Once Sam dropped her.

The girl looked into the Black boys eyes before speaking.

" hey boys get out except pretty boy here." Reagan ordered.

Jacob's eyes widened at his new nickname.

The two boys filed out the room to leave the pair in private.

"what happened out there?" Jacob asked concerned worry evident in his eyes.

" I hit my head during the fight and tried to find my way home and Victoria stopped me. We got into fighting next thing I know I wake up here." Reagan said slightly lying about the fight.

Jacob growled in anger wanting nothing more to rip the head from the body of the red head bloodsucker.

Jacob slowly took a deep breath before sitting next to Reagan on the bed.

Reagan looked up at the boy as he looked down at her.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you baby girl." Jacob muttered ashamed of the result of the fight.

" there's no way you could have known Jake."

Once Jacob looked into her eyes he couldn't look away.

Reagans breath caught in her throat as she stared back.

Jacob's eyes slowly trailed down to the tanned girl's plump rosey red lips.

Reagan caught sight and slowly started to lean in.

Jacob put his head on the side of her face going in to pull her into a kiss.

Their lips barely brushing against each other when the door slammed open.

The pair jumped apart in embarrassment.

Jacob face blood red and Reagans white as a ghost.

Quil stood in the door with a cookie hanging out his mouth as he just looked back and fourth at the pair.

" Ooo get it Jacob! Took you long enough." Quil praised him before thinking.

" Ooo wait did I interrupt anything?" the boy asked dumbly shoving the rest of the cookie in his mouth innocently before slowly backing out the room and acting like he was never there.

Jacob bounced on the heels of his foot and whistling.

" So where were we wolf girl? " Jacob said with a cheesy grin.

" If I'm wolf girl doesn't that make your wolf boy?" Reagan questioned wiggling her eyebrows before dissappearing out the bedroom door.

{} {} {}

Reagan and Paul sat on the cliffs edge just staring at the roaring waters below.

" You gave us all a real scary Ray. " Paul admitted quietly.

" something happened during the fight and I need you to keep it a secret." Reagan blurted out turning towards the boy.

" anything Reagan."

" Victoria bit me and when she did she spit it out and claimed I had vampire venom running through my veins and I'm scared-d h-how? " Reagan choked out tears starting to stream down her face.

Paul's eyes widened at the new information and slowly took it in.

" I don't know but I do know we will figure this out together. " He told the girl pulling her head down to kiss the crown of her forehead before turning back to the sky to forget the nights problems.

{} {} {} {}

Reagan shakily pulled the handle bar opening the car door pushing herself out the car.

She forced herself up the stairs of the porch and brought her hand up the door before knocking quickly and fighting herself from running away.

The door swung open to reveal an older women.

"May I help you?" Esme asked calmly.

Reagan pulled at the bottom of her lip before speaking.

" I need help please."

"Come in dear." Esme said ushering her into the Collens home.

" Carlisle!"

The Head of house came booming down the stairs at the call of his name.

"Esme, who is this child?" He asked as the rest of the Cullens started to wander into the living room all giving disapproving stares at the girl.

Edward wasted no time speeding over to the trio.

"Reagan why are you here?" the Cullen boy asked.

"I need your help." she sqeeked out.

"With what my dear one?" Carlisle asked carefully noticing the girls nervousness.

" I was bit by a vampire and she spit my blood out saying I had vampire venom in my blood. I don't know what I am anymore." Reagan told them the truth as a stray tear slipped out her eye and fell down her cheek.

"Edward, taste her blood." Carlisle told the boy.

Edward's looked taken back looking between her and him.

"Are you sure Carlisle?" he asked to claify.

He nodded his head towards the girl. Reagan slowly lifted her wrist up in the direction of Edward.

Edward's gently took her wrist and brought it up to his mouth before slowly punctering her veins.

Once the first drop entered his mouth he spit it out with a sour face.

"Definitely Vampire Venom." he clarified for the older pair.

" Who are your parents dear?" clarisle asked.

" Jack Crescent and Lena Ramos." Reagan stated even though her dad was dead and her mom was gone.

" my dad was last of the Cresents and I have never met my mom. "

" Lena Ramos you say? Doesn't that sound familiar dear? " Esme asked her husband.

"Why yes yes it does."

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