" you thought you could catch me?"
or || In which one teen age girl has life completely turn upside down because of one boy and all his drama. ||
( Twilight New Moon)
( Jacob...
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Reagan laid on the couch in Emily's den upside down. She watched the fly hit the window countless times.
Quil sat next to the girl flipping through the channels on the small tv.
" Quil if you don't stop clicking through the channels I'm gonna kick you." Reagan growled from her spot.
" And?" He teased clicking the button faster.
" You asked for it."
Reagan started kicking her legs all around smacking Quil in his face a couple of times.
" HEY! Not the face. That's the money maker." Quil joked covering his face.
Reagan rolled her eyes and returned back right side up.
Emery came running into the room collapsing on the Crescent girls lap.
" May I help you?" She asked the boy who was laying in her lap.
"I'm tired."
" And? What am I supposed to do?" Reagan asked with an eyebrow raised.
" You owe me 100 bucks." Quil stated holding his hand in front of Emery's face.
" Pay up wolfy." The boy teased.
Emery let out a sad whimper before slowly placing the bill in his hand.
Quil went to pull back but Emery still held onto the bill not letting go.
" Bad dog!" Quil yelled popping Emery on the nose and taking off with the money in hand.
" Hey! get back here mutt!" He screamed taking off after the boy.
" I'm surrounded by idiots." Reagan muttered before turning on sponge-bob.
The pack raced through the woods chasing after a evil red head. She weaves through the trees jumping across the border between the Quiluete lands and forks.
Victoria landed on the other side with a smirk before running towards the Cullen's who weren't the far away for the line.
The woman jumped between the line teasing both the pack and the vampires. Reagan looked where Victoria next jump would be a dove for it.
Paul watched as one of the Cullen's jumped across the border after Victoria. Paul jumped after the Cullen not caring if the red head got away or not.
Paul grabbed the vampire and threw him straight into Reagan knocking her away.
Reagan's head hit a rock on impact with the ground letting out a small whimper.
The packs focus being on the fight between Paul and Emmett.
Reagan slowly got back on all fours before her head started to spin.
She slowly retreated back into the woods knowing the pack had the rest covered.