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It was a sunny afternoon. Five-year-old Skyla and her family were vacationing in the mountains of Sweden. Her parents were hiking as Skyla was riding on her dad's shoulders. She giggled as the fresh air washed against her, making her long, auburn hair fly wildly around her face. After a while, they decided to set up camp for the evening. Their stomachs were all roaring with hunger.

Her father was setting up their campsite while her mother was cooking dinner. Skyla was sitting upon a boulder, looking out across the horizon, admiring the pink sky. Suddenly, something caught her eye.

"Sky, darling, it's time to eat!" Her mom called to her sweetly. Skyla couldn't take her eyes away from the figure in the sky.

After a few moments, her Mum called again, "Skyla, time to eat."

When Skyla didn't respond or move once more, her mother followed her gaze. She screamed. Skyla's father also glanced out. In the sky, flying toward them, was a Swedish Short-Snout.

"Come here, sweetie," her Mum said as she grabbed Skyla off he rock.

Twenty feet back from where they were camped, there was a hole in the ground below a rock. Her mum ran over there and practically shoved Skyla into the hole. The hole was only big enough for the child to remain hidden. Skyla began crying, she was so scared.

"Skyla, honey," her mom was sobbing. "Mommy and daddy love you very much."

Her dad ran over, "I love you, Skyla." Then he turned his attention to his wife. "Dear, we need to move so she can stay safe."

"Skyla, don't come out until it's gone," her dad said. "When it's gone, walk straight that way," he said as he pointed north. "Eventually you'll find the portkey," he explained. "It will get you to safety."

"Don't go daddy," she whispered. He gave her a kiss on the forehead before running off.

Skyla saw from her hidy-hole a roar, a bright flash of the flames, and her parents screaming and burning to death. She did not want to watch, but couldn't look away.

Minutes went by and she could still see her parents screaming, but then suddenly everything stopped. There were no screams, no movement, and no roars. Skyla just watched as her parents lives were taken.

She thought she was safe. She started climbing out of the hole and she heard a snort behind her. She didn't wait enough. She turned around and she was looking straight at the dragon's face. She screamed and jumped back into the hole. The dragon blew its blue flames straight at the rock. The heat was intense, but It didn't touch her and it wasn't hot enough to kill the child. The heat from the flame on the rock was just enough to burn her skin.

Then, the dragon roared and took off into the sky as Skyla was left alone to cry. She cried for five minutes before she decided to move. She peeked out to see if it was gone. She crawled out of the hole and walked over to her charred parents. Tears filled her eyes. "Mommy... Daddy...I need you!" She yelled. It was getting even darker and she was scared. She started walking in the direction her dad pointed to. The skin on her entire right side from her neck to her ankle was so badly burnt, she had trouble walking and stumbled repeatedly.

It took over two hours and several rest stops before she reached the portkey. Her energy was drained and she collapsed twenty feet from the portkey. She didn't have any strength left and was unable to move an inch toward it. She passed out laying on the ground out in the open.

As if by magic, the wind picked up and blew the portkey over to her unconscious body. It touched her shoulder and she was teleported to the field behind her house. She fell and was jolted awake as she landed on her burnt side, causing her to scream at the top of her lungs.

Just before she passed out, she saw a man standing above her. He had a long grey beard and a kind face. He bent down to pick her up and everything went black.

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