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Charlie and Skyla were so into the book, that they didn't realize the train was pulling into the station.

"Oh, we need to change into our robes before we get off," Charlie said. "I forgot."

"Well, it is a little late," she said. "I'm just gonna put mine over my clothes and change after the ceremony."

"Good idea," Charlie said as he began unpacking his robe.

They got dressed quickly and grabbed their things. They were rushing, moving clumsily around in the cabin, and Skyla accidentally bumped Charlie. She blushed a bit and apologized. He smiled and then they exited the cabin. They got off the train and Skyla's breath was taken away.

Everything was so beautiful. The marvelous architecture of the castle, the way the moon reflected off the water of the lake, and the dark green of the trees in the forest.

"First years follow me!" A huge man shouted. "First years don't be shy!"

Several students went to him, while a bunch of older students were heading in a different direction. She was about to walk that way when Charlie said, "oh Skyla, this is my brother Bill."

Skyla awkwardly shook his hand and said, "nice to meet you, Bill."

"And you, Skyla," he said. "Now you two get going."

Charlie grabbed Skyla's arm and they ran over to the giant man.

"My name's Rubius Hagrid. I'll be escortin' you all to the castle. First years, follow me!"

Everyone began boarding the boats. Each boat had three or four students in it. Charlie and I were sharing a boat with a pretty blonde girl. She had two braids in the front and the rest of her hair was down in the back.

She caught Skyla looking at her and cleared her throat, "hi, my names Penny."

"Skyla," Skyla said.

"Charlie," Charlie said.

Nothing else was said between any of them. They enjoyed their beautiful boat ride across the Black Lake to the castle. The castle was stunning under the sky full of stars, which glistened across the lake's surface.

They reached the other side and departed their boats. When everyone was out of their boats, Hagrid escorted them inside and an old, miserable looking man took over. He was followed by a mangy cat with red eyes. They gave Skyla the chills. He escorted them up some stairways and down some halls until they came to two great, big doors and a friendly looking woman waiting in front of them.

"I'm Professor McGonagall. In a few moments the sorting ceremony will begin where you will be sorted into your houses."

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