Where am I?

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Skyla woke up in a strange place, but she was too weak to freak out. She looked around the room through blurry eyes as she blinked rapidly. When her eyes were clear, she saw several empty beds.

The door of the room opened as she was studying the room and she gasped. She saw the same man that she saw before she passed out. He was accompanied by an older woman.

The woman came over to Skyla's bed and started tending to her burns.

"Where am I?" Skyla asked the man.

"You are in the hospital wing of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," he said to Skyla. "I am the headmaster, Professor Dumbledore."

Skyla didn't know what to say. This was a dream come true for the child. She was familiar with Hogwarts because both her parents went there and told her many stories. She was so excited for the day she'd get her own letter.

"What's going to happen to me?" Skyla asked.

"Well, Madame Pomfrey here is going to heal the rest of your burns. Then, you will be placed with a family that will raise you until you are an adult," Dumbledore said and Skyla started to cry. "But, when you turn 11, you will be sent your acceptance letter and will join us here."

Madame Pomfrey then stated, "dear, i know just woke up, but you need to drink this potion and then you need to rest. Your burns will be healed by the time you wake."

Skyla stopped crying and wiped the tears from her face. Then she drank the potion, which tasted nasty. Within minutes, she started to feel drowsy and didn't fight the overwhelming sleepiness.

"Professor, her burns will scar. There is nothing I can do about that," Pomfrey said to Dumbledore.

"I know," he said. "I'm afraid she is going to have a difficult time accepting them when she gets older. She is a very strong child, though, so I believe she will be fine."

Dumbledore and Madame Pomfrey quietly left the room, leaving Skyla to rest for the night.

The next morning, Madame Pomfrey came into the room, causing Skyla to wake.

"Good morning," Skyla said after yawning.

"Good morning, dear," Madame Pomfrey said. "I'm changing your bandages and Professor Dumbledore will be here to escort you to your new family."

When she was finished, she left the room and Dumbledore entered shortly after.

"It is time," he said and stuck his hand out. Skyla got out of bed and walked over to him. He looked much taller from the floor. She put her hand in his and he escorted her to the main hall.

There was a lovely couple standing in the entrance. "Alright Skyla, here are your new parents, Sarah and Thomas Portman."
Dumbledore announced.

Skyla hesitantly walked toward them. The woman smiled and held her hand out just like Dumbledore did.

"Hello there, my name is Sarah and I am very excited to be your mom," she smiled and introduced herself. Skyla took her hand and smiled back.

"Skyla, we will be seeing you in 6 years. Goodbye for now," Dumbledore said with a kind smile.

Skyla waved goodbye as she walked out the door with her new family, who would raise her well and prepare her for Hogwarts.

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