Hogwarts Express

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"I'm so nervous!" Skyla said as she paced back and forth in her room. "What if I'm in placed in the wrong house?"

"You will be placed in whichever house the hat thinks fits you best," Her dad said.

"It's time to go," Sarah said, tears in her eyes.

They left and drove her to Kings Cross Station.

They put all the luggage on a cart and handed her the ticket. They walked with her to the platform.

"Alright dear, we are going to say goodbye here," Sarah said to Skyla.

Skyla hugged them both, said her love you's and goodbye's, and slowly walked toward the wall until the view changed from brick to a gorgeous train that had Hogwarts Express across the front.

The luggage was placed on the train and she walked through looking for an empty cabin. When she got to the end, she saw one open. She went inside and sat by the window.

A few minutes passed and the horn sounded on the train, indicating that it was going to be departing soon.

She thought she would be sitting alone until she heard a soft knock on the door. She turned her head and saw a cute redhead standing there.

"I'm Charlie," he said. "May I sit here?"

"Sure," she said. "I'm Skyla. Nice to meet you, Charlie."

"Nice to meet you too," he said as he sat down.

The train began its journey towards Hogwarts. She thought they were going to have a conversation until he took out a book and began reading.

She looked out the window for a while, watching the beautiful scenery as the train chugged along. Eventually, her curiosity began nagging her, so she decided to ask, "what are you reading?"

"I'm reading Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," he tilted the book to show her. "I have read it already a few times. I love magical creatures...especially dragons!"

Skyla winced internally. Just thinking about dragons made her scars burn.

"I'm...I'm kind of afraid of dragons," she stuttered. "It's a long story."

"Oh...well, that's okay. There are other creatures that aren't as scary," he patted the seat next to him. "You can come over and look with me if you'd like."

She hesitated, but stood up and sat next to him.

He flipped open to a random page. On that page was the bowtruckle.

"Aw, it is cute!" Skyla exclaimed upon examining Newt Scamander's sketch.

"I'll tell you about it," Charlie said.

He began reading to her, "the bowtruckle is a tree-guardian creature found mainly in
the west of England, southern Germany, and certain Scandinavian forests. It is immensely difficult to spot, being small (maximum eight inches in height) and apparently made of bark and twigs with two small brown eyes. The bowtruckle, which eats insects, is a peaceable and intensely shy creature but if the tree in which it lives is threatened, it has been known to leap down upon the woodcutter or tree-surgeon attempting to harm its home and gouge at their eyes with its long, sharp fingers. An offering of woodlice will placate the bowtruckle long enough to let a witch or wizard remove wand-wood from its tree."

"That's really cool," she said. "I'll have to get a copy of this book."

They spent the rest of the ride looking through the book. He showed her acromantulas, basilisks, nifflers, kneazles, ghouls, werewolves, and many more. He was very excited to share his knowledge and excitement for magical creatures with another person, especially a cute girl.

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