Sorting Ceremony

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(There are quotes of dialog throughout my story taken from the movies and books. I do not claim these as my own.)

Professor McGonagall began explaining everything the first years needed to know. She began, "welcome to Hogwarts. The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats, you will be sorted into your houses. While you are here, your house will be like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend your free time in your house common room. The four houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn you house points, while rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will earn the house cup. The sorting ceremony will take place in a few minutes. I shall return when we are ready for you.'

She disappeared. The students all began talking amongst themselves. Skyla could hear students talking about the castle and the sorting that was about to take place.

"What house do you think you will be in?" Skyla asked Charlie.

"Gryffindor, hopefully. My older brother is in Gryffindor," he said. "What about you?"

"I don't know," She said. "Everyone tells me how brave and strong I am, but I also feel like I'm loyal, patient, and kind and I feel like I'm intelligent and creative. That could put me in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw."

"I guess we will have to wait and see," Charlie said. "I really hope you are in the same house as me, though."

Skyla smiled. She hoped she would be in the same house too. She opened her mouth to agree, but a girl with short brown hair spoke very loudly, clearly trying to be the center of attention. "I'm certainly going to be in Slytherin, which might I say is the best house."

Students gathered around her as she talked. They seemed to be drawn to her confidence. On the other hand, Skyla, Charlie, and a few other students were completely disinterested in what the girl had to say. A few other conversations could be picked out amongst the group.

After a few moments, Professor McGonagall reappeared.

"It is time for the ceremony to begin," she said.

After another moment, she opened the doors and the sight was astonishing. Four long tables sat in a giant room with an enchantment on the ceiling, making it look like the night sky, with hundreds of candles floating above everyone. Students lined the tables, every one of them were staring at the 1st years.

The Professor began leading the students into the great hall down the center, between the tables. The sight was more and more unbelievable and beautiful with each step. Skyla was overwhelmed and looked forward. She couldn't help but turn red, feeling like every set of eyes in the room were on her.

Once they all reached the end of the room, Professor McGonagall motioned for the students to stop in front of a brown hat sitting on a stool. Once everyone was in their places, she said, "Now before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words."

All eyes moved to Professor Dumbledore. "Welcome! The past few years have seen a great weight lifted from our world. The Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter, is safe. Years from now, young Harry will be old enough to attend Hogwarts...but for now, it's your turn! Thank you."

Professor McGonagall began, "now when I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses."

She looked at the parchment in her hand and spoke loudly, "Charles Weasley.'

That was quick. She gave Charlie a quick smile as he walked up to the stool. He took a seat on the stool, looked at Skyla, and smiled back. Professor McGonagall placed the hat on his head. The hat began to speak, "oh, I believe you are the second Weasley to be sorted. I sense great bravery in you. Let it be, Gryffindor!'

Charlie had a huge grin on his face. As he was walking past the rest of the first years to join his brother at his new table, he gave Skyla a quick high five. she was smiling as he sat down next to his older brother. Attention returned to Professor McGonagall as she called the next name, "Nymphadora Tonks."

A girl with shoulder length, purple hair walked up to the stool and sat down. The hat was placed on her head and the hat said, "Hufflepuff!"

She stood up and joined the Hufflepuff table. Professor McGonagall spoke once more, "Merula Snyde." That was the confident girl from before. Skyla could tell by the way she walked up to the stool, that she was cocky and self-absorbed. She smirked as she sat on the stool. The hat was barely placed on her head when it said, "Slytherin!" Merula stood up and while walking to her table, said, "I knew I'd be placed in Slytherin. It's the only house worthy of having the most powerful witch in Hogwarts."

Again, Professor McGonagall looked upon the parchment. "Skyla Lutece," she called. Instantly, Skyla was very nervous. She walked up to the stool slowly, afraid she would trip on her robes and make a fool of herself in front of the entire school. She slowly sat on the stool, very nervous for what house she might be placed in. The hat was placed on her head as she was silently begging to be placed in Gryffindor. The hat began to speak, "hmm, this is a very interesting one. I can hear you asking to be placed in Gryffindor...but I don't believe that is truly where you belong. You are brave, but you are truly kind and loyal deep inside...Let it be, Hufflepuff!"

Skyla stood up, a bit bummed out that she wouldn't be able to sit beside the only friend who she had already become close to. As she was passing the Gryffindor table, she shot Charlie a melancholy smile. He gave her a real smile in return, trying to make her feel better. She sat at the head of her table, not knowing anyone there. She tried to pay attention to the rest of the sorting, but she was too distracted.

She knew the sorting was complete when the entire Great Hall began applauding. She joined in and then Professor Dumbledore stood up to speak. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, Tweak! Thank you!" He sat down and everyone cheered. Right before their eyes, the empty dishes that lined the tables began to fill with a wide assortment of food. Everyone began to dig in and began meeting their new housemates. Sky wasn't really in the mood to eat or talk, so she ate a little bit and took the time to process the place that she would call home for the school year.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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