Happy Birthday!

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"Happy Birthday, Skyla!" Mom and Dad cheered as she walked into the living room.

"Thank you," she said with a big smile. She walked over and hugged each of them. "Mmm..breakfast smells good!"

"We made your favorite, eggs over easy, pancakes, and hashbrowns," her mom said.

Skyla sat down to eat. As she was eating, she heard a strange sound, like a flutter of wings. She jumped out of her seat and ran straight into the living room. Looking at the front door, she saw an envelope laying on the ground. She grabbed it, saw her name, and tore it open.

Skyla Marie Lutece,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours Sincerely,
M. McGonagall

Skyla jumped for joy. She has never been this excited for anything. She ran back into the kitchen, nearly tripping on the way. "Mom! Dad! My letter! My letter came!"

"That is wonderful," they said with a smile.

Sarah and Tom were muggles, but they knew all about the wizard world because Sarah's best childhood friend was a witch. They spent the last six years preparing Skyla for the world of magic.

"Time to open your present," Tom said. He carried in an oddly shaped package with holes in it. He set it in front of her and told her to open it slowly.

She patiently peeled the paper off and saw the most beautiful owl. It was brown and black. It let out a soft hoot with the relief of light in the cage.

Skyla started crying. She was so happy to have a pet. She couldn't stop thinking about sending her parents letters with her owl. "I'm going to name her...Belle."

"That's a lovely name," Sarah said. "She certainly is a beauty."

Skyla let Belle out of the cage and she flew onto Skyla's shoulder.

"Thank you for such a wonderful present!" Skyla said as she pet Belle's head.

"You are welcome! Happy Birthday!" Her parents said.

Skyla finished eating her breakfast and then spent the day celebrating her birthday with her family.

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