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Chapter One

Yuichiro Amane

I place the see-through bottle containing beer, as the TV filled the silent room. I let out a sigh, as I press the ON/OFF button on the remote turning off the TV. Before I could stand up and head to bed, Someone knocks on the front door. I walk towards the door and look through the peep-hole. Outside, standing was none other than one of my mutuals, Shinoa Hiragi. I open the door for her, as she walks past me making our shoulders brush against eachother.

"I came with some good news." She lets herself fall onto the couch, and smirks at me. "Well hello to you as well." I comment towards her sarcastically to only have her rolling her eyes at me. "Well, What's the news?" I cross my arms, looking down at her. "A little birdie told me that Mikaela Hyakuya is looking for a bodyguard." She informs me with a smirk still plastered on her face. "And why should I care?"

"Hello! All your life, You've been muttering on about killing that bastard!" She exclaims, standing up. I sigh, "I have." I simply put out. "So, now's your chance!!" I look at her, "But why does he need a bodyguard, the guy is capable of protecting himself." I walk towards the fridge to grab another beer. "Rich people need someone to do their work." I look at her unsatisfied with her explanation. She groans, "I don't know!! This is about rich people! No one gives a damn about their reasons." I stay silent.

"So?" Shinoa raises her eyebrow at me, crossing her arms. I roll my eyes, "I'll do it." "Atta boy!" She smiles at me.

Saturday, August 4th

I woke up early, and got ready. The same night, Shinoa brought nice clothes to wear for today. Once I had arrived at the office, Where Mr.Hyakuya worked, I had to wait in line where a few other men were standing. "Great." I muttered under my breathe. My phone vibrated, signaling a phone call. I grab it and look at the caller ID. 'Shinoa'. I accept the call. "Yes?" I'd speak, controlling the annoyance in my tone as much as possible. "Have you arrived?" She speaks on the other line. "Yes, I have." "Good. Did you wear the clothes I gave you?" I groan. "Yes." "Don't give me attitude!!"

"You. Aren't. My. Mother." I try my best to not scream into the phone. "If you get this job, You better be grateful! You'll earn both money and the chance to take on your revenge!" I massage my temples, sighing. "I don't have time to deal with you anger." I hanged up, Not letting her say anything. I place my phone back in my pocket, Only 5 more people until it's my turn. People behind me take a seat while others continue to stand. I hesitate a bit, but decid to take a seat.

My phone vibrates once again, turning it's home screen on. Remember to give it your all! ;D -Shinoa. I become irritated at the smiling emoji. "Whatever." I mumbled. A few people started to enter, people who wanted the job of course. I look to my right to see a woman walking down the hall. I continue to check her out, with a devilish smirk on my face. "If only I could find a woman like that." I'd mumble once again to myself. A cough interrupts my thoughts, I look further to the side to spot a red-haired female staring at me. I break the awkward eye contact between us by looking the other way.

"Yuichiro Amane?" Another female voice is heard, I turn around to see a pink-haired female, probably the assistant of Mr.Hyakuya. I roll my eyes to the thought of his name before standing up and walking towards the pinkette. "Walk right in." She makes enough space for me to walk in the room, before closing the door. "Good Morning Mr..Amane..?" My eyes widen slightly, "Y..Yes..G..Good-morning to you as well." I never really put thought into it, but now, now that I'm standing right in front of the son of the man who killed my very own father, I've never wanted to kill someone so badly in my life

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