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Kameela had did the unthinkable by Stealing Khadija's phone number from my  Phone and going behind my Back to call her and use abusive words on her,  all of which Khadija never mentioned any of it to me despite our long Chats and calls. It wasn't until I looked into Kameela's outbox messages by accident  that I saw a lot of abusive text messages to Khadija which she never replied. 
My Anger was Evident, I was furious at Kameela, for doing what she did. I requested an explanation for why she did it and all she could say was she didn't want Any Girl Hovering around me, Khadija isn't That kinda girl, she and I are just friends, guys flock around you a lot but do you see me Complaining,  no I don't because I trust you, then why wouldn't you trust me beside Khadija is in Abuja and am here with you in nasarawa , that's more of a reason for You to trust me, Don't u think.
But she couldn't acknowledge she was wrong so she tried to justify her selfish actions by saying I begged you not to talk to her anymore but you ignored my plea, you love her Don't you, I have read your WhatsApp messages with her, is it because she's pretty and she's a daddy's girl , you love her, Don't you. You guys are Dating now right? I knew She was no good the moment she called you to apologize. I should have insulted her more.
Kameela clearly read the messages we sent to each other which was more reason to believe there was nothing between us coz all our texts was friendly, but She was more vexed because we are good friends now even after she made it Clear she didn't want me Talking To her. I couldn't have her insulting my  Friend and she wouldn't apologize, couldn't stand her at that moment so I left her House.
I had called Khadija to apologize but she told me not to worry, she understands Kameela is just been a jealous girlfriend besides the text didn't bother her, furthermore she didn't wanna tell me because it'll cause a big argument between us and it did, it wasn't Her fault though. Five days later our holiday ended and I went back to school I couldn't tell Kameela because I was still upset and clearly she was too, the more I got closer to Khadija the more I pulled away from Kameela, I had engaged in Various video calls with Khadija in Nasarwa which was fun but now That we were both in Abuja I figured its time We met each other face to face, it was an idea she welcomed and a date was set and my school was the meeting point.
Kameela visited Me at school to my surprise since I stopped picking her calls she came to apologise I forgave Her but something wasn't quite right I didn't know what it was, I wasn't free with her anymore and she could feel it too, she felt me slipping away from her. She asked that we go back to normal. I gestured yes but there was something wrong I didn't know what it was it's like I didn't want her anymore. But who could I possibly want if not kameela.

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