you're my favorite

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credits go to the rightful owner of this video.

my eyes flutter open at the sound of my alarm blaring obnoxiously, i groan and lean forward to grasp it as it slips out of my hand and flings across the room with a loud thud.

"shit." i sit up in my bed, looking beside to me to see an empty bed but instead i'm caught off guard as my eyes land on a sleeping jeongguk under the covers of my bed.

my eyes widen and i smack a pillow on his face, "what the hell are you doing here? what happened last night?" i half yelled at him, looking at him in disbelief as he stretches and squints his eyes at me.

"where am i?"

"you're in my bed, you jerk! how did you even end up here?" i massage my temples, trying to remember the events of last night. i peek at him, making sure he had his clothes on and thankfully, he did. i sighed in relief, getting out of bed with a stretch.

jeongguk was staring back at me with an amused expression, resting his chin at the palm of his hand. i gave him a dirty look, suddenly feeling insecure with his eyes on me.


"nothing, you just look beautiful," he smiled, causing my heart to palpitate. i blushed and slid my feet into the slippers under my bed.

"oh yeah totally, with my bed hair and mascara under my eyes. i'm sure i look like a raccoon who hasn't slept in days!" he rolls his eyes, leaning backwards on the bed rail.

"a pretty raccoon, then." it was my turn to roll my eyes at him when something in my mind clicked and i could recall some of the events of last night.


jeongguk and i headed to the nearest supermarket, fingers laced together.

jeongguk and i headed to the nearest supermarket, fingers laced together

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"let's get like, a hundred bottles of soju." he laughs and i look at him with a worried expression before bursting out in laughter as he starts to imitate iron man, running ahead of me.

"you're acting drunk before even getting drunk," i manage to sputter in between laughter, running after him to catch up.

we finally reach a 24 hours open store, jeongguk and i give each other an excited look as we dash forward to scoop up a couple bottles of soju, getting as many as possible.

"race you till the counter, loser has to pay!" i exclaim, rushing forward with a squeal escaping my lips.

he eventually catches up with me, taking a swift turn. "looks like you're gonna pay now," he reaches the counter first, me being left behind, panting near the chips aisle.

"not fair, you cheated," i walk towards him, getting out my wallet with a pout.

he takes the bag from the cashier who gives me a weird look when i take out money to pay. "your boyfriend already paid, ma'am."

i turn to see jeongguk walking out of the door before giving the cashier a small smile, "thanks, but he's not my boyfriend." and with that i dash out of the store, lightly hitting the back of his head.

"hey! why'd you pay?" a small smile spreads across his face, and yet again i'm mesmerized by how beautiful he looks under the moonlight.

"you really thought i'd let you pay? my mother taught me better," he glances at me and i intertwine our fingers together in response, choosing to remain silent. 

we walk towards our apartment in silence, i turn to see jeongguk eyeing the building of my apartment suspiciously.

"do you feel safe here?"

a laugh escapes my mouth, "yes, i feel very much safe here."

we enter the elevator before i pressed the button labeled '6' indicating that my house was on the sixth floor.

we enter my apartment, taking off our shoes as jeongguk takes off his hoodie and sets it on the sofa, looking around.

"i like how you've decorated your apartment." i mutter a quick "thanks." before taking the bag of soju from him, taking a seat on the sofa with a bottle as he does the same.

we sit in silence, not the awkward kind of silence but a comfortable one. simply in bliss of being in each other's presence, occasionally taking sips.
he's quiet, we both are until he speaks. "do you think we could have lasted?" a small smile spreads across my face and he smiles slightly too but i can tell he wants a real answer.

"i think so," i pause, "but not really, to be truthful." he looks at me with a perplexed look on his face. "what do you mean?"

"to have to last, you have to love each other," i glance up at him, leaning my head on the palm of my hand. "and i don't think we did, not enough."


i look at jeongguk with a smile on my face, "wanna go get breakfast?"

i look at jeongguk with a smile on my face, "wanna go get breakfast?"

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